The Texas Cadet Murder Case (Crime Documentary)

  • 5 years ago
"Diane Zamora and her fiancé, David Graham, had a bright future ahead of them. High school sweethearts, the couple had met in 1991 as volunteers in the Texas Civil Air Patrol. She was an honor roll student bound for Annapolis, and he was a track star with an appointment to the Air Force Academy.

But their ambitions to serve their country were derailed on December 4th, 1995, when a farmer discovered the battered body of Adrianne Jones, a sophomore member of David's high school track team, laying in a field. Brutally beaten, she had been shot in the head.

After nine months of dead ends, investigators got a tip from one of Diane's Annapolis classmates. According to the informant, Diane had admitted that she and David had murdered Adrianne after David had confessed that he'd had sex with the girl.

In September of 1996, both Zamora and Graham were arrested for the murder. Given separate trials, the young lovers turned on each other and said that the killing had been the other's idea. Neither defense worked. Both were found guilty and given life sentences.

Diane Michelle Zamora (born January 21, 1978), is a former the United States Naval Academy midshipman who is serving a life sentence for her role on December 4, 1995, the murder of Adrianne Jones, a girl Zamora believed was a romantic rival for her boyfriend, David Graham.

On December 4, 1995, Graham and Zamora carried out their plan. Around 10:30 PM, Graham called Adrianne Jones and arranged a date. Unbeknownst to her parents, Jones snuck out of her house later that night to go out with Graham, who picked her up outside.

Prosecutors say that Graham then drove to a deserted road near Grand Prairie, Texas. Zamora was hiding in the hatchback of the car. According to reports, the original plan was that Zamora would come up behind a seated Jones and snap her neck. Graham would help her dump the body in a nearby lake. Graham and Zamora planned to tie weights to Jones' body so that it would sink to the bottom of the lake.

However, things did not go as planned. Apparently, when Zamora grabbed Jones, a struggle ensued. Graham tried to snap her neck by turning it as is done in movies but found it to be ineffective. Zamora then hit Jones in the head with a weight, but Jones somehow managed to get out of Graham's car and run away. According to his confession, Zamora told Graham that he could not let Jones get away. Graham took his gun, tracked Jones down in the field, and shot her twice in the head. According to Graham's confession, when he returned to the car, he and Zamora exchanged ""I love you's."" Then, Zamora allegedly told Graham, ""We shouldn't have done that, David."" They then disposed of their bloody clothes and went home. Adrianne Jones's body was discovered the next day.

Graham's report of having sex is unfounded. It is merely suspicion. Police found Jones' blood inside the car, splattered on the passenger door. Zamora claims that the first time Jones was struck was outside the car, by Grah


