Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Ranveer Singh At Bhansali's Party​

  • 5 years ago
Ace producer and director Sanjay Leela Bhansali recently received the prestigious Padmashri award for his immense contribution in the Bollywood film industry with his iconic movies like Khamoshi - The Musical, Devdas, Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam, Black, Goliyon Ki Raasleela - Ramleela and his last produced Mary Kom. The usually low-key filmmaker threw a big bash to celebrate this win and all the B-town biggies graced the event like the Badshah of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan, the director's Bajirao Mastani actress Priyanka Chopra, Bhansali'snew blue eyed boy Ranveer Singh, ABCD 2 actress Shraddha Kapoor, new babe in town Richa Chaddha, Sanjay's Khamoshi star Manisha Koriala,
Shruti Haasan, the Queen of Bollywood Kangana Ranaut and lyricist Prasoon Joshi who also won the Pamashri for his incredible lyrics in movies like Taare Zameen Par and Chittagong. Check out the video to know how our star celebs wished the honored director.

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