2014 Bollywood Biggest Controversies That Shook Industry MUST WATCH!

  • 5 years ago
2014 is coming to an end but there are several incidents in Bollywood that are well worth remembering. We have for you some of the best and juciest gossips of this year, news that shook all of us to the core.

Priety Zinta and Ness Wadia have been broken up for sometime now but in June this year Preity shocked everyone when she lodged a complaint against her businessman ex-boyfriend Ness with the charges of molestation. She said that during a match of her and Ness's IPL team Kins XI Punjab at the Wankhede stadium, he abused her in front of everyone and no one stepped up to help her and hence she was compelled to file a complaint. They later solved this issue as Ness fulfilled most of the stipulations put up by Preity.

We all know that whenever Aamir Khan films come, they come with a big bang. And this time also the actor took a different way to grab the attention of the people with his nude pose in the first PK poster. As expected, it created a lot of talk and also received a law suit where an activist had asked the court to ban this poster. But the court ruled against it and allowed the poster to be as it is. When asked, Aamir said that this a still from an integral part of the movie and is not a concious effort for publicity. But whether concious or not, it did gain the attention of everyone without doubt.

Everyone in Bollywood stepped up to support Deepika Padukone when she fearlessly lashed out at a leading Indian newspaper for showing a video which was focused on her cleavage. Dippy was obviously angered and tweeted her raging reaction on the topic. Not only that during a Happy New Year movie event, her co-star Shah Rukh Khan was asked his take on it and he said. We echo SRK's reaction and say kudos to Deepika who held her head high and dealt with this atrocious controversy.

It was a big shock to all when Hrithik Roshan announced last year that he and suzzane have seperated from each other. But even then the fans of the sweetheart couple wished that they would work out their differences and get back together. But all hopes were crushed again when the couple took the final step and got officially divorced in November 2014. Even though they were never negative about each other in public, Suzzane's rumoured affair with Arjun Rampal and Hrithik's numerous rendezvous with different actresses are constant gossip sources.

And lastly it is the Gauhar Khan controversy. During the finale of her show India's Raw Star, a man ran on stage past security and slapped Gauhar in front of everyone for wearing revealing clothes. Everyone was shocked to see the audacity of the man and were in support of the actress. After the incident Gauhar held a press conference and spoke to the media about it.

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