Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 2 - Stanza 23 & 24 | Artha | Bhagavad Gita Series


by Artha

In this video watch how Lord Krishna explains Arjuna the indestructible individuality of the soul.

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1 In the next stanzas, Lord Krishna explains Arjuna the indestructible individuality of the soul that can never be affected by any worldly element.

2 The twenty-third and twenty-fourth stanzas are as follows;

|| Nai ’nam Chindanti Shastrani Nai ’nam Dahati Pavakah

Na Chainam Kledayanty Apo Na Shoshayati Marutah ||23||

|| Achcchedyo 'Yam Adahyo 'Yam Akledyo 'Shosya Eva Cha
Nityah Sarva-Gatah Sthanur Ahcalo 'Yam Sanatanah ||24||

3 These verses can be roughly translated as;

This soul cannot be cut by any weapon or be burned by fire. Water doesn’t moisten it, nor can it be withered or dried by the wind.

Actually, this soul is unbreakable, non-flammable and insoluble; it can neither be moistened or parched. Also, it is eternal, omnipresent, cannot be altered, stable; it is indeed immortal.

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