Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1- Stanza 36, 37 & 38 | Bhagavad Gita Series


by Artha

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1 The thirty-sixth stanza says ;

|| Papam Evasrayed Asman Hatvaitan Atatayinah
Tasman Narha Vayam Hantum Dhartarastran Sa-Bandhavan |

Sva-Janam Hi Katham Hatva Sukhinah Syama Madhava ||

2 Here Arjuna is trying to say that;

O Madhava, even though they may be aggressors, sin will overcome us if we kill them. Hence, it is not acceptable for us to slay the sons of Dhritarashtra along with our friends. What pleasure will be derived from slaying our own family members?

3 In the thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth stanza Arjuna says;

|| Yadyapy Ete Na Pasyanti Lobhopahata-Cetasah

Kula-Ksaya-Krtam Dosham Mitra-Drohe Cha Patakam ||37||

|| Katham Na Jneyam Asmabhih Papad Asman Nivartitum

Kula-Ksaya-Krtam Dosham Prapasyadbhir Janardana ||38||

4 This stanza can be roughly translated as;

Although these men have their thoughts overpowered by greed and they see no wrong in attacking the family or causing harm to friends.

O Janardhana, why should we still engage in these acts, when we can clearly see the sin arising from them.

5 Watch our next video of Bhagavad Gita where Arjun explains about the Adharma of the ancestry.

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