Carlos Pachame match Inter-American Cup against the Toluca 1969

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Norberto Longo comments: - "Students from La Plata are now going from Ezeiza to Mexico to face Toluca, we are going to talk with the Argentine boys to know their state of mind before this international match" . Report to Carlos Oscar Pachame (central midfielder): -What does Pachame expect to find in Mexico in this new game if one wants for Estudiantes de La Plata a dispute about this cup that is new for all Argentines? -And the players of Estudiantes de La Plata are concentrated Pachame? -What do you expect to find from Toluca? (Norberto Longo)
Reference: Students from La Plata travel to Mexico to participate in the Inter-American Cup.
Date: 9/2/1969
Duration: 2 minutes 31 seconds
Film code: B-08743

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