How Much Money Do You Need To Start Forex

  • 5 years ago
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How Much Money Do You Need To Start Forex

You can open a trading account with just 100$ or even less in some cases.Is it enough to trade? Technically, yes. With that money you can place trades when your broker has nano or micro lots in his offer. So 100$ is enough to trade Forex. If you want to learn more, get free system plus much more,visit:

But is it enough when you want to do serious trading? No, you will not earn big $ in a year when you start with e.g. 300$. A few hundred dollars are ok for the beginning in learning process. You can “play” with that money, make some mistakes, learn new things, grow as a new trader.

If you learn how to trade, you should always use money which you can afford to lose. That is a very important point.

A lot of people see all the advertising of brokers, read about leverage and think that they do not need that much capital. That is a big mistake. Trading full time is different. You need solid capital because with that capital you can make profits. So how much do you need?

It depends from trader to trader but 10,000$ is the minimum in our opinion. The perfect amount for the start is in range 10,000 – 50,000$. The amount is strongly connected to your trading strategy: how you handle risk level, do you trade short term or long term etc.
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