Dershowitz: Trump should be nervous after Stone’s arrest…

  • 5 years ago
Alan Dershowitz was on Fox News this morning and explained why Stone’s arrest should be worrisome for Trump.

It all has to due with the nature of Mueller’s investigation.


To begin with, Dershowitz makes the point that Mueller has virtually failed with the original intent of the Russia probe, which was to find crimes that had already been committed during the election related to Russia.

Instead, almost all of Mueller’s indictments are about process crimes that his investigation has created: False statements, obstruction of justice, etc.

And it’s this reason why Dershowitz says Trump should be nervous. Because obviously Mueller will try and turn Stone against Trump in a very heavy handed way, which is likely the point of Stone’s heavy-handed arrest.

In other words, Trump shouldn’t be worried about crimes based on the intent of the Russia investigation, because clearly there seem to be none; but rather about whatever Mueller can force out of people against Trump that will likely have nothing to do with the Russia investigation.

Dershowitz goes into more detail than I gave you here, so be sure and watch the video for more…


