Rao’s appointment as Tunoi tribunal head defended [News Bulletin]

  • 5 years ago
Ending days of speculation, Sharad Rao was finally sworn-in as chairman of the tribunal formed to probe Supreme Court Judge Philip Tunoi, on Wednesday.

Rao and five members of his team; Justice Roselyn Korir, Judith Guserwa, James Gacoka, Abdirashid Hussein and George Wakukha were sworn-in at the Supreme Court building at a ceremony presided over by Chief Justice Willy Mutunga and Solicitor General Njee Muturi.

Article 168(5) states that the President "shall appoint a tribunal consisting of chairperson and three other members from among persons who hold or have held office as a judge of a superior court, or who are qualified to be appointed as such."
The seventh and final member of the tribunal, Jonathan Bowen Havelock, Muturi said, would be sworn-in on Thursday.

There was uncertainty surrounding Rao’s appointment as chairman after the Executive sent mixed messages on the matter.

Principal Administrative Secretary in the Office of the President Kennedy Kihara on Sunday said Rao had been replaced by Havelock as chairman but Muturi was adamant at the swearing-in that there had been no “flip-flopping” and that Rao had always been President Uhuru Kenyatta’s choice.