Man Prepares for Marathon by Attempting a 20-Mile Run

  • 5 years ago
With over a month left for the Chicago Marathon, this man decided to prepare himself by doing some long runs. He decided to run 20 miles by himself by repeating a five-mile loop. However, he was not able to complete his target and covered a total distance of 19.5 miles which was no small feat. 


00:00I've been off a little more than I could chew for this morning on this particular week.
00:08Got some repairing to do for the marathon.
00:27Good morning. It is September 2nd, Saturday. I am in Iowa.
00:32It's chilly. I think it's only like 50 degrees right now.
00:36The sun is rising. We're going to go for a long run today.
00:40I don't know how far I'm going to go. I'd like to go somewhere between 15 and 20.
00:46And I'm doing something a little bit different today. I've got the drone with me.
00:49I've got some water. I'm going to run a couple loops.
00:53We're at my in-laws place. It should be about 5 miles each loop. Maybe 4 or something.
00:59So we'll have to do that a couple times.
01:03And I wanted to do that because there's no water support out here.
01:06So I figure I'll set this water out here so every time I do a loop I can grab water.
01:14I do have food with me and I'm not going to want to run with the drone for this entire time.
01:19So at some point I'll shed the drone and keep running. But for now, let's get going.
02:19Looks like they closed off the road. Getting ready for the Labor Day picnic.
02:32Every year this town, New Vienna, has this Labor Day picnic on Labor Day.
02:38It's a matter of local pride to be able to put that on.
02:43People from all the neighboring towns come by.
02:46It's in a lot of ways super wholesome fun and like going back in a time machine.
02:53I think we'll go on Monday. I'm not sure. That's the same day as our family reunion.
02:58So we'll see.
03:10Finished the first lap. It's a little bit over 5 miles.
03:13I wasn't going to take much of a break here but I tried to take the drone off.
03:17Even though I got one successful flight, I tried to take off again.
03:22And I had a could not fly notice because it suddenly required a mandatory firmware update.
03:30Although it had been like 20 minutes since the last flight so I'm going to do that now.
03:34While I'm here I might as well have some water and have some food.
03:39It took entirely way too long. It was like a 12 minute break.
03:43But we're on to lap 2.
04:08I just had an interesting conversation with the farmer that lives over there.
04:18He came out in like a, not a gator but something like that.
04:23A little gas powered golf cart, utility cart kind of thing.
04:26And he saw me flying and I had it in, it was tracking me.
04:34And he was slowly following the drone.
04:38And that's kind of one of my bigger fears about flying around here.
04:42Is that people will be worried that I'm like spying or snooping or doing something else.
04:48But as soon as I realized, yes he was definitely following me and my drone.
04:54I landed the thing and I walked right over to him and introduced myself.
04:59And I told him, you know, my father-in-law lives two houses down from you.
05:03And he was like, oh yeah, okay, okay.
05:06And I was worried that I was going to get a little bit of a lecture.
05:09But he was an older gentleman, a grandfather age kind of guy.
05:14And super nice.
05:16He was like, oh my daughters have drones too.
05:19Not daughters, his granddaughters have drones.
05:21They love them.
05:22He apparently has a little RC helicopter that he likes to fly.
05:27So we were talking, we just spent 5-10 minutes talking about drones and helicopters and flying and stuff like that.
05:35So really nice guy.
05:37He was driving around in his Gator with a dog.
05:40And it was just pretty awesome.
05:44Second lap done.
05:46Going to take a quick break.
05:48Killed the battery on the Spark the last time on the last flight.
05:53And I think I need to do an update on the other battery.
05:56So I'm going to do that.
05:58And drink some water and try to collect myself.
06:01I'm going to get some sleep.
06:03I'm going to get some sleep.
06:05And I'm going to get some sleep.
06:07And I'm going to get some sleep.
06:09So I'm going to do that.
06:11And drink some water and try to collect myself.
06:13I'm exhausted.
06:39So I'm going to get some sleep.
07:09And I'm going to get some sleep.
07:40Alright, about 14.
07:4214.5 miles in.
07:44I was going to get the drone out for one more shot.
07:47But I'm just too tired.
07:49I don't want to stop.
07:51It takes too long.
07:53And then getting back going again.
07:55It's too exhausting.
07:57I'm just going to try to keep barreling through.
07:59I'll stop at the next lap.
08:01Get some more water and some food.
08:03And then I'm going to try for a fourth lap.
08:06Going to go for 20 miles today.
08:10Last lap.
08:12On mile 15.
08:14I don't know what the rest of these miles are going to look like.
08:17It's starting to rain.
08:19But let's do it.
08:39I'm at 17.8 miles.
08:51I'm exhausted.
08:58I just don't have anything left.
09:04I'm going to walk for a little bit.
09:06See how I feel.
09:09I'm exhausted my body is not feeling great it's been a rough couple weeks I'm
09:19just gonna walk before I get it done we'll see I'm gonna I gotta well I'm at
09:27the halfway point for the lap anyway so I got to make it to 20 miles whether I
09:32run that 20 or not we'll see
09:4618.3 miles I'm calling it I'm really thirsty trying to get dehydrated and
09:53locked up so I don't want to injure myself ah disappointed because I still
10:00have to walk like a mile and a half to get back home so I'll have to do the
10:08mile anyway but I won't be able to run it my left leg my hamstring is tight my
10:19ankle is tight I think maybe bit off a little more than I could chew for this
10:29morning on this particular week got some repairing to do for the marathon
10:39okay I was able to pick myself off the ground a little bit run it
11:09it's like a 19.5 that average time is very generous because it doesn't include
11:21either the miles that I walked or the time that I spent walking or doesn't
11:28include some of the many breaks I took so but 19.5 I feel great about that
11:39I wish I could have hit that 20 marker today but with all the stuff that's been
11:45going on I have to take it feeling good now oh I wish I ate breakfast before I
11:54started today so hungry right now
