An action thriller of monetary proportions which follows a group of over-privileged, out-of-control young adults...
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An action thriller of monetary proportions, BILLIONAIRE RANSOM follows a group of over-privileged, out-of-control young adults who have been sent by their frustrated, billionaire parents to a tough-love wilderness school on a remote island off the coast of Scotland. Kyle (Jeremy Sumpter) and Amy (Phoebe Tonkin) find themselves in this group as a last opportunity for them to take responsibility for their own lives and abandon their reckless ways, or risk being disinherited. Suddenly, a group of mercenaries led by Billy Speck (Ed Westwick) invade the island and hold the privileged lot hostage for the largest ransom in history: one billion dollars. When Kyle learns they are all to be killed even if the ransom is paid, their wilderness survival training is the only hope of outwitting the mercenaries and staying alive.
BILLIONAIRE RANSOM Movie TRAILER (Action, Adventure - 2016)
A Movie directed by Jim Gillespie
Cast : Jeremy Sumpter, Ed Westwick, Phoebe Tonkin, Dominic Sherwood, Sebastian Koch, Elliot Knight, Hari Dhillon
Release Date : August 19th, 2016
Genre : Action, Adventure, Thriller
BILLIONAIRE RANSOM Movie TRAILER (Action, Adventure - 2016)
© 2016 - Gravitas Ventures
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An action thriller of monetary proportions, BILLIONAIRE RANSOM follows a group of over-privileged, out-of-control young adults who have been sent by their frustrated, billionaire parents to a tough-love wilderness school on a remote island off the coast of Scotland. Kyle (Jeremy Sumpter) and Amy (Phoebe Tonkin) find themselves in this group as a last opportunity for them to take responsibility for their own lives and abandon their reckless ways, or risk being disinherited. Suddenly, a group of mercenaries led by Billy Speck (Ed Westwick) invade the island and hold the privileged lot hostage for the largest ransom in history: one billion dollars. When Kyle learns they are all to be killed even if the ransom is paid, their wilderness survival training is the only hope of outwitting the mercenaries and staying alive.
BILLIONAIRE RANSOM Movie TRAILER (Action, Adventure - 2016)
A Movie directed by Jim Gillespie
Cast : Jeremy Sumpter, Ed Westwick, Phoebe Tonkin, Dominic Sherwood, Sebastian Koch, Elliot Knight, Hari Dhillon
Release Date : August 19th, 2016
Genre : Action, Adventure, Thriller
BILLIONAIRE RANSOM Movie TRAILER (Action, Adventure - 2016)
© 2016 - Gravitas Ventures
✓ Subscribe now to catch the best trailers and the latest HD official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview and video commentary!
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