• 6 年前
『WILD』オオカミを愛する女| https://youtu.be/XuFUh_YtLK0 |https://dai.ly/x70qkc7

監督/脚本:ニコレッテ・クレビッツ(Nicolette Krebitz)music: #Terranova/出演:リリト・シュタンゲンベルク、ゲオルク・フリードリヒ、ザスキア・ローゼンダール|ドイツ映画


オオカミに恋愛感情を抱き、野性化していく女性の倒錯した愛を描いたドイツ映画。職場と自宅を往復する単調な日々を送るアニアの視界に飛び込んできた一匹のオオカミ。自宅マンションの前に広がる森に暮らす「彼」の持つ野性に心を奪われたアニアは、次第にオオカミに執着し、あらゆる手段を尽くし、自宅マンションに連れ込むことに成功する。部屋の中で暴れるオオカミには命の危険を感じながら、オオカミと心を通わせるアニアは、まるで恋人同士のように「彼」と接し、いつしか野性に取り込まれるようになる。人間離れした常軌を逸した行動を取るようになる彼女に、周囲は戸惑いを覚えるようになる。監督・脚本は女優としても活動するニコレッテ・クレビッツ。主人公アニア役を「アイヒマンを追え! ナチスがもっとも畏れた男」のリリト・シュタンゲンベルクが演じる。

Directed by Nicolette Krebitz
Written by Nicolette Krebitz
Starring:Lilith Stangenberg

Wild is a 2016 German drama film directed by Nicolette Krebitz. It was shown in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition section at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival.

WILD Soundtracks
ARTISTS:TERRANOVA (テラノヴァ)予告編に使われているメイントラックのタイトルは、”Labrador” TERRANOVAです。

Release dates
24 January 2016 (Sundance)
14 April 2016 (Germany)

Lilith Stangenberg
Georg Friedrich
Silke Bodenbender

A young woman in her early twenties lives a mundane, lethargic live. While she works as an IT consultant at a small company, her boss and co-workers treat her as a secretary. Her boss calls her his favorite employee, because 'she never complains'. When she encounters a wild wolf in a small park, she feels alive for the first time. She becomes obsessed with the wolf, and settles on trying to catch it to bring it home, finding satisfaction in the thrill of the hunt and connecting with her animalistic side for the first time in her life.

The film delivers as a modern, realistic twist on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Rather than getting lost on the way to grandma's and being hunted by a wolf, Ania purposely brings home the wolf to her grandfather's house. But this film isn't a fairy tale; It's a gritty, visceral and realistic portrayal of an animal in the big city. Through the wolf Ania connects to her instincts - her wild side - and we witness her path of depravity. While she befriends the wolf, it's always a wild animal and a threat to Ania and the people around her.

I saw the film at the International Film Festival of Rotterdam, where it was a nominee for the big screen award. I hope it makes it to the theaters, as the audience responded with both shock and delight to the imagery and events. We saw the uncensored version which isn't for the faint of heart, as the film contains graphic sex scenes and violence towards animals.

sexuality,wolf,erotic dream,
जंगली, निकोलेट क्रेबित्ज़ द्वारा निर्देशित एक 2016 जर्मन नाटक फिल्म है यह 2016 सिनेमा फिल्मों में विश्व सिनेमा नाटक प्रतियोगिता में दिखाया गया था।

लिलिथ स्टैन्डेनबर्ग
जॉर्ज फ्रेडरिक
सिल्क बोडेनबेंडर



