Castro Madero talks about development in the Argentine nuclear program 1979

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Press conference of the president of the National Commission of Atomic Energy, Vice Admiral Carlos Castro Madero about the development of the Argentine nuclear program. (Magnetic / Ambient sound)
Reference: With the authorization of the Executive Power by decree number 2,441 of September 28 last to the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA), to accept the offer presented by the company Sulzer Brothers Limited, of Winterthur, Switzerland, in relation to the construction of a heavy water production plant of 250 tons per year and that of the firm Kraftwerk Union Aktiengesellschaft, of Erlangen, Federal Republic of Germany, with the aim of forming a mixed engineering company for the construction of the Atucha II Nuclear Power Plant , was announced by the head of said body, Rear Admiral Carlos Castro Madero during a press meeting.
Date: 1/10/1979
Duration: 3 minutes 13 seconds
Film code: B-02729

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