Brazil's military police get tough in Fortaleza following spree of violent gang attacks

  • 5 years ago
브라질 북동부지역 폭동사태 확산...연방정부, 군병력 증원

The Brazilian government has deployed additional soldiers to the northeastern part of Brazil to quell a series of violent attacks that have been occurring since last week.
According to officials on Tuesday around one-hundred special troops were sent to the city of Fortaleza, the capital of the nation's northeastern Ceara state... to put an end to the violence.
The attacks, led by criminal gangs in retaliation for new, tougher measures in local prisons,... broke out across the region last Wednesday
Police said there have been over one-hundred-sixty cases of violent attacks on banks, buses, and shops.
Around one-hundred-seventy attackers have been detained.