Penang The Street Food Paradise

  • 5 years ago
The cuisine of Penang symbolizes the melting pot culture of Malaysia. So, apart from the delicious Malaysian cuisine, Penang food contains an assortment of Chinese and Indian dishes as well. The dishes are usually spicy, colourful, aromatic, and a little sweet. The video takes a sneak peek into the rich street food culinary tradition of Penang. The sumptuous dishes showcased in the video include the Char Koay Teow, Koay Teow Th’ng, Penang Assam Laksa, Lor Bak, Penang Rojak, Mee Goreng, Nasi Kander, Dim Sum, and Lok Lok among others. If described individually, then Char Koay Teow can be mentioned as a national favourite comprising stir fried ricecake strips. The next one namely, Koay Teow Th’ng is made of ingredients like Koay Teow, the meat of a duck, pork, chicken or fish, and lettuce/spring onions. Asam Laksa is the signature noodle based food of a state in Malaysia and is made out of a fresh Mackerel and an assortment of herbs.

Lor Bak is a spice pork roll that can recreate the gastronomic delight within you while Penang Rojak is a delicious mixed fruit salad, which you can partake as a food accompaniment. The next food item the video veers towards is Mee Goreng, which happens to be a spicy fried noodle dish. Nasi Kandar has its origins in India and comprises a mildly flavoured or plain steamed rice served with an assortment of curries. Also, Dim Sum with its Chinese roots is prepared in small steamer baskets to be served with tea. The last street food item shown in the video is Lok Lok, which is served on a skewer and comprises meats and vegetables. The video has superbly encapsulated the rich culinary tradition of Penang.