• 6 years ago
Probably the ultimate Beavis & Butt-Head Classic Short.
Beavis and Butt-head decide to take up fishing, after seeing a wildlife show on TV about fish. They have a rod and reel they stole from Tom Anderson's tool shed, but unfortunately, aren't near a body of water where they can catch real fish. Instead, they come up with a new sport called couch fishing, which involves casting the line—which has been baited with items found in the cracks of their couch—out of their living room window and then reeling-in whatever or whoever takes the bait. In short order, they hook first a raccoon, with stale piece of pizza and then Stewart, with the broken remains of Beavis' Sony Walkman. When they hook a confused old lady using a box of prunes, however, it attracts the attention of a passing cop, who immediately takes a dim view of the duo's new hobby and goes to kick their front door in. In the end, some fast thinking by Butt-head results in Stewart taking the rap for it and he is dragged away in handcuffs.


