• 7 years ago
Tunnel Braid is based from connection between two braids from each side of the head and just to create a tunnel around that braid. It is simply made. You can do it in 5 minutes. It is suited for every occasion.

How to make a tunnel braid:
Step 1 – Make an off-center part on the right side of the head
Step 2 – From the off-center part, section out hair, making a vertical part down to the tip of the left ear
Step 3 – With that section of hair start a regular 3 strand braid and do 1 full rotation of a braid
Step 4 – Begin to feather the braid
Step 5 – Continue the feather braid until it can reach around to the right ear & temporarily secure the end with a clip
Step 6 – On the right side , part out a small amount of hair near the face and make a few rotations of a regular 3 strand braid.
Step 7 – Draw it backward and join it together with the feather braid from the left side
Step 7 – Secure them together with a clear elastic on the right side of the head
Step 8 – Back on the left side, find the first 2 feathers and draw them away from the head and mist a couple inches with hairspray
Step 9 – Place your Topsy Tail against the head behind the braid near the feathers you are working with
Step 10 – Draw the ends of the feathers through the Topsy Tail and gently pull the Topsy Tail behind the braid and through
Step 11 – This will cause the feathers to create a loop or “tunnel” around the braid
Step 12- Repeat steps 8-11 with remaining feathers so each of them wraps up and around the braid completing the “tunnel.”

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