
  • 6 years ago
Published on Oct 12, 2013
Superman vs Nikola Tesla (The Mad Scientist). After "Tesla the Terrorist" attempts to turn the Empire State Building to Nano-Dust using his Electro-Magnetic Ray. Superman puts Tesla in Prison. Thanks Superman! Superman vs Nikola Tesla was created in 1941 by Jerry Siegel Joe Shuster funded by Western Electric (David Rockefeller).

Nikola Tesla's Free Energy World System used "Electric Rays" in Tesla's FBI File as "High Tension Radiant Beams" sent ELF/ULF from his Magnifying Transmitter Tower Wardenclyffe, the receiving coil's voltage stepped up using "Hydrogen Spark Gap Transformers" connected to a "Negative Resistance Krypton Beam Tube", returning energy back to the system when the Transmitter is turned off.

The sealed spark gap assemblies contained in ignition exciters used in some older jet engines contain a very small amount of Krypton-85 to obtain consistent ionization levels and uniform operation. CERN contains about 27 tonnes of liquid Krypton. It is produced by the fission of uranium and plutonium, such as in nuclear bomb testing and Nuclear Reactors. 85Kr is released during the reprocessing of fuel rods from Nuclear Reactors.

1963 USAF studies KRYPTON FILLED THERMIONIC CONVERTERS - Union Carbide has a research program to study electron propagation through high pressure inert gas filled diodes. (1) inert gas filled thermionic converter, which the space charge is neutralized by positive ions produced in the gas by nuclear radiation, is feasible and (2) inert gas filled thermionic diodes or converters can be designed to have negative resistance or could be used for AC Outputs.

