Escape of prisoners in the police station of Zarate - Buenos Aires 1991

  • hace 6 años
Zarate: Report where journalist comments: - "Expanding the concepts of Dr. Angeles Maria Andreini, correctional judge who understands in this case the escape of eight detainees in the first branch of the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, the city of Zarate, we can say that the element with which the bars of the upper part of the dungeon were cut to give subsequent possibility of escape to these 8 people, was introduced days before this fact inside a sneaker from outside the police station , apparently through one of the family members of the detainees, if a minor is involved in this issue, who was precisely found in his possession the piece of saw blade, approximately 15 centimeters in length and hilt of Polyethylene, with which, we reiterate, was used for the cutting of the bars, as for the detainees who were captured by the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, among them one of Chilean nationality is indeed with a leafy record, which is searched at this moment by the entire security force of the country, foreseeing that it is probably disappeared from the area to hide in a place that he knows and has the security that the security forces can not find it. We can also say that the incident took place approximately as Dr. Andreini said, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon immediately in vehicles identified by the police and not identifiable. The personnel of this security force of the city of Zarate sought to find the prisoners recapturing five of them, we insist among which was a minor, so that in this case is also intervening Dr. Porta. Dr. Hipolito Pensok was also present at the police station in Zarate, but without having to see in this case he is directly involved in this procedure because several of the detainees were people who were in cases that he processed in the courts. of Zarate and Campana. As for the possibility of taking pictures of the events, we were asked that until such time as the police of the province of Buenos Aires do not come to do the tests, that kind of images can not be made. As for statements by the police chief of the Province of Buenos Aires, they have still been denied to the press until the fact can be clarified a little more. "Insert Façade of the first section of Zarate. door, armed police guarding the entrance, men retreating from the commissary, radio antennas on the roof.
Detail: There is a jump in the images due to deterioration of the tape.
Date: 1991
Duration: 2 minutes 28 seconds
Code: UG-0404

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