Weekend ka Vaar with Salman Khan is here and this time Salman Khan will shout badly on Sreesanth. Yes, Salman Khan will gets angry and shout on Sreesanth for his personal comment on another contestant Surbhi Rana. They both fights even in front of Salman Khan. This can be clearly seen in newly uploaded promo of Weekend ka vaar by Bigg Boss makers on Facebook. Watch the video to know more. Watch Bigg Boss 12 on Colors TV every day at 9 PM and watch all the episodes of Bigg Boss 12 on Voot app anytime.
#BiggBoss12 #Sreesanth #WeekendKaVaar #SalmanKhan
#BiggBoss12 #Sreesanth #WeekendKaVaar #SalmanKhan