S. Korean childbirths continue to decline in September

  • 6 years ago
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For over a decade, chronically low birth-rate has been an issue South Korea is unable to resolve.
If recent data is any indication,... the country could see its annual fertility rate drop even further in the near future.
Won Jung-hwan has the full story.
The number of newborns in South Korea fell again in September,... yet another sign of the country's chronically-low birthrate.
According to data released by Statistics Korea on Wednesday,…. the number of newborns for that month was the lowest for any September... since the agency started compiling related data on a monthly basis.
The number of childbirths per month has been decreasing on-year... every month since December 2015.
In September, about 26-thousand babies were born, down 13-point-3 percent from a year earlier and 24-percent lower compared to 2016.
The number of babies born during the third quarter fell to some 80-thousand, down 10-point-3 percent from a year earlier,… marking the lowest thirrd quarter tally since 1981.
On a yearly basis, despite concerted efforts to tackle the issue, the number of newborns dropped to a record low last year.
It totaled less than 360-thousand,… down 11-point-9 percent from 2016.
Experts are already concerned about this year's overall number.
The total fertility rate, or the number of babies that a woman is projected to have during her lifetime has been gradually decreasing in every quarter of this year.
Considering that the fourth quarter of the year tends to mark the lowest figure of all,… experts say it is highly likely that the total fertility rate for the country could fall below 1 for the year 2018.
The expected figure is worrisome as it not only suggest that there are quite a lot of women who do not have a baby,… but it will also bring a serious concerns in terms of economic growth potential in the country,... reducing the size of the workforce and driving up welfare costs to support a rapidly aging population.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.
