“It's time to be a hero!” PJ Masks is a CGI animated series that made its official broadcast debut on Disney Channel and Disney Junior in the U.S. on Friday, September 18, 2015. It is produced by Entertainment One and Frog Box, in collaboration with the award-winning French animation studio TeamTO, and with Disney Junior and France 5. The PJ Masks are the primary trio of their own television series. They are the superheroes of the city, known for stopping villains during the night time, although on each mission, their personality issues usually get in the way. However, they quickly realize and learn from their behaviors to personally better themselves. These lessons serve to teach the viewers about the values of life.
PJ Masks Full Episodes - Owlette's Owl Eyes! - 45 Minutes Compilation - PJ Masks Official #107
PJ Masks Full Episodes - Owlette, the Winner! - 30 Minute Compilation - PJ Masks Official #123
PJ Masks Episodes - Gekko VS Super Ninjalinos - 45 Minute Compilation - PJ Masks Official #117