Court Case - HSU223 - Extremely close pass against oncoming traffic - B9119 Westhill, Aberdeen

  • 6 years ago
The incident took place in Westhill in January 2016 and was reported via the 101 line.

However, while the Aberdeen police officer who took a statement did not consider the pass to be too close, Inverurie police decided to charge the driver.

Six more police forces looking to run close pass operation

In November 2016, Aberdeen Cycle Cam went to the Aberdeen Sheriff Court to testify against the person that was allegedly driving the car at the time of the incident.

After being interviewed by the Procurator Fiscal in Court, they were told that the trial could not continue as there was not sufficient evidence to establish who was driving that car at the time. Aberdeen Cycle Cam writes on YouTube that this was “regardless of the accused having responded to a Section 172, identifying himself as the driver.”

A letter from the Procurator Fiscal’s office subsequently explained that two sources of evidence are needed to identify the person responsible with a physical description often serving as supporting evidence.

Aberdeen Cycle Cam has since published this video of another close pass which was reported to police on January 26 of this year.

On this occasion, an Aberdeen police constable emailed to say: “I appreciate the overtake was slightly close however this was not dangerous or careless driving. I will however still trace the driver and advise them on leaving extra room when overtaking cyclists in the future.”


