The Intruder (Sony Pictures) Stars: Dennis Quaid, Meagan Good, Joseph Sikora
The Intruder is an upcoming American psychological thriller film directed by Deon Taylor and written by David Loughery. The film will star Dennis Quaid, Michael Ealy, Meagan Good, and Joseph Sikora. It is scheduled to be released on April 26, 2019, by Screen Gems. (Wikipedia)
Initial release: April 26, 2019
Director: Deon Taylor
Music composed by: Geoff Zanelli
Release date: April 26, 2019 (United States)
Screenplay: David Loughery
Producer: Roxanne Avent
The Intruder is an upcoming American psychological thriller film directed by Deon Taylor and written by David Loughery. The film will star Dennis Quaid, Michael Ealy, Meagan Good, and Joseph Sikora. It is scheduled to be released on April 26, 2019, by Screen Gems. (Wikipedia)
Initial release: April 26, 2019
Director: Deon Taylor
Music composed by: Geoff Zanelli
Release date: April 26, 2019 (United States)
Screenplay: David Loughery
Producer: Roxanne Avent
Short film