As we all know, when the cost of the opportunity is low, more and more people can afford to join the business opportunity. I recently just came across this amazing new home based business opportunity called The Work For 3 Dollars Matrix & when I saw this, this program blew my mind! I immediately saw the huge earning potential and the low risk involved in this home based business. The total cost to join The Work For 3 Dollars Matrix home based business is only $3 people! Just $3.00 There are no hidden fees, no monthly fees & no yearly fees. It is a total cost of $3 one time. Other than joining for $3, I would highly recommend you purchase your own domain name because you definitely don't want to be advertising that nasty long link. Your own domain name can be purchased for about $10 for 1 year. So the start up cost here is about $15 while the earning potential is HUGE! I expect to earn an easy $50 - $100 a DAY with this home home based business. Yes $50 - $100 a day is not a lot and some of you are chasing the dreams of earning $1000s a day online but remember this, you must learn how to walk before you learn how to run. The same concept applies for online marketing. You can't expect to make $1000s daily when you are not even making $50 - $100 DAILY! So learn how to market before you spend $1000s on a high ticket item. The other reason I joined this 3 Dollar Matrix is because anyone can afford it! Just think to yourself, who can't afford $3? As you may know, when you have a low start up cost like this, so many people can afford to join your business. As we know, the more people that join our business, the more money we make. Visit my website right now for more information on how you can generate some serious cash on a daily basis with this business: contact info at this site Swagger Like Us" by T.I. Ft. Kanye West Jay-Z and Lil Wayne home based business "home based ...