S. Korea's defense ministry unveils scene of one guard post in DMZ demolished with use of explosives

  • 6 years ago
강원도 중부전선 GP 상부구조물 폭파로 철거

At the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas.
The two sides started work on taking down 10 guard posts each.
Seoul's defense ministry unveiled a scene of one of the GPs demolishion.
Park Ji-won zooms in on the historic moments.
South Korea's Ministry of National Defense allowed the presence of media teams to the scene of the demolition of one guard post in the Demilitarized Zone Thursday.
The demolished GP was built in 1968 at the central front of the demilitarized zone in Cheorwon County in Gangwon-do Province.
It is one of South Korea's 10 guard posts, located within one kilometer south from the Military Demarcation Line,... and that was selected to be completely removed by the end of this month.
Earlier this week,... when the South Korean Army began work to remove the 10 GPs,... the defense ministry said it will refrain from using explosives as much as possible to avoid inflicting any damage to the natural environment of the DMZ.
However,... the ministry said that TNT, had to be employed in demolishing Thursday's GP due to the particular geography of the region.
While the upper part of the GP was removed with explosives,... the rest of its structure was removed by heavy equipment vehicles like excavators.
The pre-selected posts, ,... 10 on each Korea,... are all scheduled to be taken down by the end of November,... while each side will keep one guard post located near the East Sea to be preserved for their historic value.
Once the removal of the GPs is done on each side of the DMZ,... the two Koreas are planning to conduct joint inspections on the demolitions sometime next month.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.


