Namak Paray is the unique story of a family where each family member has a unique, quick-witted and comic style. The drama depicts an uneducated daughter-in-law creating chaos in the house. A dominating mother-in-law who’s trying to put the house in-order and faces resistance from her. Along with the father and son trying to make things better.
Directed By: Rana Rizwan
Written By: Wajih Warsi
Cast :
Ismail Tara,
Gul e Rana,
Faizan Shaikh,
Maham Amir,
Directed By: Rana Rizwan
Written By: Wajih Warsi
Cast :
Ismail Tara,
Gul e Rana,
Faizan Shaikh,
Maham Amir,