• 7 years ago
This is a live view of EPCAMR's Brook Trout Tank. The eggs arrived today and after an acclimation period, we began counting the live eggs and placing them in the redds (baskets at the top of the tank).

There are now UPDATED instructions for 2019 to sort the eggs because the temperature is a concern. If the eggs are allowed to warm up, it can kill them. We were monitoring the temperature the whole time to make sure the temp didn't get above 56 degrees. Also, it's better to use a spoon to sort them instead of the turkey baster. You can damage the eggs or sac fry if you are too rough with them.

Pennsylvania's statewide Trout In the Classroom (TIC) program is made possible through a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). This partnership provides curriculum resources, workshops for teachers and program partners, technical support, brook trout eggs and food, and grants.

