• 6 years ago
Mothers of premature babies, midwives and experts discuss the experience of having a premature baby, the emotional impact, care and development.

With this video you will discover that it is normal to feel overwhelmed and even depressed after the birth of a premature baby.

Some mothers feel that they've had their pregnancy snatched away from them too early, which can cause resentment at the birth. However, there is no reason a premature baby cannot develop any differently from a full term baby and you can still provide them with a normal, healthy upbringing.

Post birth hospital care will mean that you have all the support -- and information -- to make everything run just as smoothly as with a non-premature baby.

You can feel reassured that however early or late you have your baby it isn't the most important thing - rather your focus needs to be about the end result where you get to take home a healthy, happy baby.

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