• 6 years ago
Facebook's latest move on Snapchat comes in the form of Secret Conversations whilst Snapchat adds Story Playlists and removes it's auto advance.

On the latest update to Facebook Messenger, you might find a hidden feature called Secret conversations. Turning this feature on will encrypt your messages end-to-end, just like WhatsApp announced earlier this year. You can also set a time limit on your messages, so your messages are deleted within a time frame that you set.

Snapchat has been listening to its audience by taking back the story auto-advance feature. It's replaced this with Story Playlists. You can select certain stories to autoplay and it skips the other stories. That means you can watch only the stories you are most interested in.


Each week Alan talks about all the latest updates in social media and how they affect the everyday user. If you've noticed a new feature that we haven't talked about, don't hesitate to tweet us at @Clubit (http://www.twitter.com/clubit)


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