• 7 years ago
Stage Theme B by Koji Niikura (WCW vs. nWo Revenge)
Why You Always Lying by Orange Marley
Brie Mode by WWE
Internet Dial-Up noise by satan
Level Select by Stuart Ross (Space Station: Silicon Valley)
Tom & Jerry intro

Jimmy Jacobs The Zombie Princess for the fabulous intro
Richard Nelson for the AIW clip
iliekstahwahs for the CMLL clip
Marcus Burke @ViolentCanadian for the birthday clip
RandoChrist for the AC/DC ending
Dubyalucha for the Venom ending
Hardminute for the cowboy song ending
Lunch Break Kid for the toilet ending
Intheclouds for Things That Make You Go Wooo ending
Martin C for the Meltzer ending
Norbjr for the Titus 64 ending


Bound For Glory was good but not as good as Slammiversary and I went a whole sentence without mentioning Austin Aries AW DAMMIT

Alundra Blayze did as good a job as I would have done pronouncing Io's name but I'm still throwing her under the bus.

Roode's spot-calling is amazing in this episode, holy shit. Only Cena's NOW NAKAMURA NOW at Rumble comes close.

BRIE MODE Lever may have to be a regular thing now I rarely watch CZW.

I had no idea NWA's PPV was even happening until people messaged me saying YOU'VE GOT TO WATCH THIS SHIT so thanks people of twitter who know what I like.

The Rey clip is from a Network special on botches, because it was Smackdown it was pre-taped. But I think more people have seen the botch than the actual segment. August 22nd 2002 SD in case you were interested.

List Of Companies And Where To Find Them...

Jimmy Jacobs can be found here

Bound For Glory can be found on the GFW Network

WWE Network is still around so you can watch all the Mae Young moonsaults

GCW is still feuding with CZW but CZW don't like talking about it

CMLL upload whole shows on their YouTube

NWA 70th Anniversary Show can be found on FiteTV

AIW have a lovely site

E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness with Rey Mysterio is right here

That's all, see you next time Windjammers! Next one will include Evolution and Crown Jewel so there'll be something to laugh (or cry) at.

