Clear, dust-free conditions on Wednesday _ 102318

  • 6 years ago
날씨: 내일 맑고 공기 깨끗

Now we turn to Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates. Michelle, we had a brief autumn shower today. Have conditions changed a lot after the precipitation?
Oh yes, a lot for that matter. Thick rain clouds are no longer hovering above the peninsula. What's more, high concentrations of fine dust have finally cleared giving way to cool and clean autumn air for us to enjoy... at least for the time being.
This clear conditions will continue into Wednesday afternoon. At the same time, our neighbor China will be warmer and sunnier,... while Japan continues to be under rainy skies.
Turning to our readings for tomorrow,..
Seoul will start off at 8 degrees Celsius, Busan and Jeju still in the teens while Chuncheon dips to 5 degrees in the morning.
