• 6 years ago
A QUIET PASSION Trailer (2017)
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In Theatres April 14th, 2017

Cynthia Nixon delivers a triumphant performance as Emily Dickinson as she personifies the wit, intellectual independence and pathos of the poet whose genius only came to be recognized after her death. Acclaimed British director Terence Davies (House of Mirth, The Deep Blue Sea) exquisitely evokes Dickinson’s deep attachment to her close knit family along with the manners, mores and spiritual convictions of her time that she struggled with and transcended in her poetry.

Director: Terence Davies
Writers: Terence Davies
Actors: Cynthia Nixon, Jennifer Ehle, Keith Carradine, Ducan Duff, Jodhi May, Joanna Bacon, Catherine Bailey, Emma Bell, Benjamin Wainwright
Genre: Drama

A Quiet Passion official trailer courtesy of Music Box Films.

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