Library Getting Your Life to a 10 Plus: Tips and Tools for Finding Your Purpose, Being in Your

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Popular Getting Your Life to a 10 Plus: Tips and Tools for Finding Your Purpose, Being in Your Power and Living an Amazing Life
Getting Your Life to a Ten +; Tips and Tools for finding your purpose, being in your power and living an amazing life is a powerful "how to" book for anyone wanting more happiness, success, and balance in their life. This book gives you the wisdom, stories, and exercises that guide you into self exploration and positive powerful ways to change your life right away. Most people have had life s circumstances such as a broken heart, a lost job, an argument, a failed exam, or even abuse that created walls around their true selves. Your heart is your true self. Imagine a photo of you. You can see your true positive powerful loving self in there, but it may have layers covering up some of the power; maybe covered with baggage through the years. The goal in working on yourself is to add positive effective pressure to shed those layers, so that your true self radiates out in full strength and confidence. Pretty soon you can see this picture of yourself without the walls and layers, and you look much brighter and very impressive. Many of us are confused as to how to get to all of these things. Well, it all begins with a commitment to work on ourselves. Some of us get so caught up in daily life that it can become robotic and monotonous. There has to be a way to shift out of this, make some amazing changes, and move forward with enthusiasm. The good news is that there are numerous ways. Sometimes, one small shift and your entire life can change in enormous fantastic ways. So get ready... "Gold can often be found in your own backyard, gifts found in your own heart, and diamonds within your own mind." Having a life in balance is the key to happiness, peace and success. If you can say that you have harmony in all areas of your life, it is almost 100% guaranteed that you will feel more empowered, free and happy. Extraordinary even. This means that you know your true self. You have control over your ego and you re aligned with your life purpose. To achieve this and to feel this way

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