CROCODELIA 鱷魚迷幻【Little Calf】HD 高清官方完整版 MV

  • 6年前
海蝶音樂/太合音樂 Taihe Music 頻道

《Little Calf》收錄在CROCODELIA 鱷魚迷幻首張EP 《Our of the Swamp》(沼澤出沒)中。該EP的出發點為早期六零年代車庫音樂所啟發, 以電影懸疑角度作為鋪陳, 同時營造五零年代衝浪音樂黃金年代。這是一張有趣、表面混亂,實質推行動物關懷,動物權利,以及森林保育的EP。MV片頭,樂隊四位成員為“小牛”與“惡霸”西部片一般的打鬥場面或許就是EP中動物關懷主題的視覺呈現。

[ ♬ 數位音樂平台]

Little Calf

Little calf with all due respect, didnt mean to cut you just like that
(小牛真抱歉, 不是故意要傷害你)
I know your mom and i know your dad. I dont care theyre not in my sight.

When you close your eyes, please never look back.
this love put on you, is nothing but bad

Cuase i dont mind the sound, ever haunts me down. i will just look around (因為我不在呼聲音夜晚獵下我, 我就往別處看)
All i ever knew, flesh and bone my food ,im gonna get my soon.

Little girl with all due respect, didnt mean to scare you of like that
(小女真抱歉, 不是故意嚇壞你)
I know youre sad and terrified i dont care cauze they dont haunt my mind (我知道你傷心又難過, 但這些都不會對我有影響)

Cuase i dont mind the sound, ever haunts me down. i will just look around(因為我不在呼聲音夜晚獵下我, 我就往別處看)
All i ever knew, flesh and bone my food =im gonna get my soon.
(我所知道的 只有血肉是我的食物 我的報應也將來到)

製作人:陳鬱夫Yufu Chen
錄音: 陳鬱夫Yufu Chen
混音/母帶:陳鬱夫Yufu Chen

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