
  • 16 years ago
djWHEAT & Fatal1ty shoutcast the 1st half of this Counter-Strike : Source firefight between Carolina CORE & 3D New York during the 2008 CGS North American Regular Season from Episode 412 (aired 6/23/2008) broadcast live in HD only on DirecTV's Channel 101.

Carolina CORE squad:
Chad "DAFF" White
Sam "devour" Chamma
Mark "masternook" Torrez
Cyrus "org" Habibi
Sonny "s0nNy" Tran


3D New York squad:
Jon "JUAN" Mumm
Michael "method" So
Kyle "Ksharp" Miller
Nick "nicKn0iT" Nowakowski
Salvatore "Volcano" Garozzo

http://www.thecgs.com for more videos!
