Today is #LoveYourBodyDay and body positivity is something I’m a huge advocate for everyday, so I’m extra excited about it. I’m often told that I’m either to cu

  • hace 6 años
Today is #LoveYourBodyDay and body positivity is something I’m a huge advocate for everyday, so I’m extra excited about it. I’m often told that I’m either to curvy, or when I’m working out regularly I’m told I look to muscular . There were times when I would let the opinions of others get me down. As I got to know and love myself as a person I stopped caring about what anyone had to say about my body. Today, I really love my body. I’m strong, healthy, and my body will continue to constantly change and I’m ok with that.
I wanted to share a video that I love from an event itesizedfitness itesizedsis did that was all about body positivity
Checkout the whole video here