President Moon says new order being created in Northeast Asia

  • 6 years ago
문재인 대통령 국무회의서 "김정은 방러•시주석 방북 전망…한반도 새질서 형성"

President Moon Jae-in held a cabinet meeting... less than a full day after sitting down for talks with America's top diplomat.
He highly evaluated the top diplomat's latest session with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and also confirmed more meetings between Pyeongyang and its surrounding neighbors may take place soon.
Hwang Hojun starts us off.
According to President Moon Jae-in, Mike Pompeo's weekend visit to Pyeongyang was a massive success.
He said it established the conditions for a second summit between Kim Jong-un and President Trump to take place soon, and he called on the government to do everything it can to make sure that happens.

"I urge you to work closely with the U.S. so that the second Pyeongyang-Washington summit is held as early as possible and to further the progress of denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula."

President Moon's remarks came Tuesday during his regular meeting with his Cabinet.
It was just a day ago that the South Korean leader was briefed by Secretary Pompeo on the results of his talks with Kim Jong-un... immediately after his one-day trip to Pyeongyang.
President Moon expressed thanks to President Trump for having Pompeo make a detour to Seoul before his return to the U.S.
He also stressed, however, that now is the time for Seoul to cooperate not just with Washington but also with other countries to reach the ultimate goal of denuclearization and lasting peace.

"We need to work actively with other countries in addition to the United States to rid the world of its last-remaining Cold War standoff."

According to President Moon, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is expected to visit Russia, and Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit North Korea soon.
He even said a summit between North Korea and Japan could be possible as well.

President Moon insisted that a (quote) 'new order' is being created not only on the Korean Peninsula but in the whole of Northeast Asia. Amid the dynamic geopolitical change in the region, he said Seoul must assume the leading role, and to that end, he called for the support of the people and of Parliament.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.


