• 7 years ago
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Below are links to the movie and its sequel: Watch and Enjoy!

Nnedi The Fighter 1: http://youtu.be/UY-trzjnAec

NNedi The Fighter 2; http://youtu.be/POAtCc7JIkA

The King Of Native Doctors (Otipo)1: http://youtu.be/al0gLuCyCgU

The King Of Native Doctors (Otipo)2: http://youtu.be/62JAmWuZ5To

SYNOPSIS: Nnedi is a very strong and vibrant young girl who who takes to fighting as her only means of settling any issues, on the other hand her boyfriend is an exact opposite of her who as a matter of fact is scared away to another woman's arm as a result of Nnedi's incessant agility.

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