WOTR Presents: Mystery Babylon Hour 2: The Sun of God 5/6

  • 6 years ago
Wars Of The Roses Presents: The Sun of God 5/6
William "Bill" Milton Cooper
Mystery Babylon Series
Hour 2: The Sun of God (aired February 15th, 1993)
Hour of the time tape #30
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The Mysteries


The Rosicrucian


Knights templar 


Order of the Quest


Knights of Malta


The Illuminati


Bavarian Illuminati


And of course “God's Sun” goes to his death wearing a “corona”—[which in] Latin [means] “crown of thorns”. Remember the Statue of liberty? [It was given to us by Masonic France.] To this day, kings still wear a round crown of thorns, symbolizing the [rays of the sun].
[Now] as far back as we can go into the ancient world [in our research], we find that all known cultures had a “three-inone” [or] triune God. The very first trinity was simply the three stages of life of the sun: New Born at dawn; Mature or full grown [in its full power] at 12 noon; and old and dying, at the end of day (going back to The Father. All three were of course one divinity. The Trinity in no mystery [in the Mystery Schools]. The Egyptians knew that the Sun was at its highest point in the sky (or high noon) when no shadow was cast by the pyramid. At that point, all Egypt offered prayers to the “Most High” God. As stated before, to the ancients, the sky was the abode, or heavenly temple of the “Most High.” Therefore, “God's Sun” was doing his heavenly Father's work in the temple at noon.


