Library The Respect Effect: Using the Science of Neuroleadership to Inspire a More Loyal and

  • 6 years ago
Best product The Respect Effect: Using the Science of Neuroleadership to Inspire a More Loyal and Productive Workplace
HardCover. Pub Date :2013-07-25 Pages: 224 Language: English Publisher: McGraw-Hill What does every employee want In a word: RESPECTThe best leaders are the ones who motivate employees to want to perform at the highest level possible - which is never accomplished with an iron-fist style of management The best results are achieved through one of the most basic human behaviors:. the showing of respect.Organizational change expert Paul Meshanko has studied how the human brain responds in various workplace situations - and his conclusion is astonishing: People perform at their highest level when treated with respect Conversely. when an employee is emotionally attacked by disrespectful behavior. he or she shuts down In The Respect Effect. Meshanko reveals the transformational power of respect in the workplace.. . Given the pressures of the workplace. this is sometimes easier said...