• 7 years ago
1h 7min | Drama , Horror , Thriller | October 2016 (Canada)

Will Brown, A life coach, investigates the connection of the Duppy-Man and the disappearance of two of his clients while on vacation in Jamaica.

Director: Mustafa Tut

Writer: Mustafa Tut

Stars: Saleha Afrida, Mustafa Aqqesari, Kenneth Junior Benjamin
00:00:00They say that most people will die from accidents, sickness, even loneliness.
00:00:20But I think they're wrong.
00:00:32From the day we're born, we're being watched, we're being helped to the point where we can
00:00:40run around and play without a care in the world.
00:00:46But if we're lucky, we get to do the things that most people only dream of.
00:01:07You get to be a bit older, and then sickness and heartbreak strikes us down.
00:01:16If you, me, are strong enough, we may live a long, productive, and healthy life.
00:01:26Until someone has to help us eat and even get dressed.
00:01:53Some of us have to walk the road alone.
00:02:15Some of us get to shine on the biggest stages.
00:02:20Dive from the plane and parachute to the ground.
00:02:43Then in the blink of an eye, we die.
00:02:53Some will cry, some will mourn, others will wish they could have, should have, done more.
00:03:13Then you're laid to rest, covered up in the earth, forever.
00:03:41It's too late.
00:03:43Some of us are left feeling sad and alone.
00:03:50But it's the regrets and the fear of the unknown that will kill most.
00:03:59It's the fear.
00:04:02It's the fear.
00:04:32It's the fear.
00:04:34It's the fear.
00:05:02It's the fear.
00:05:04It's the fear.
00:05:06It's the fear.
00:05:08It's the fear.
00:05:10It's the fear.
00:05:12It's the fear.
00:05:14It's the fear.
00:05:16It's the fear.
00:05:18It's the fear.
00:05:20It's the fear.
00:05:22It's the fear.
00:05:24It's the fear.
00:05:26It's the fear.
00:05:28It's the fear.
00:05:30It's the fear.
00:05:32It's the fear.
00:05:34It's the fear.
00:05:36It's the fear.
00:05:38It's the fear.
00:05:40It's the fear.
00:05:42It's the fear.
00:05:44It's the fear.
00:05:46It's the fear.
00:05:49It's the fear.
00:05:52It's the fear.
00:05:54It's the fear.
00:05:57Spirits, ghosts,ophobos, are real.
00:06:07They have always been here.
00:06:12Most people see them, but don't believe it.
00:06:17They don't believe in their existence.
00:06:21Don't believe in your existence.
00:06:24Don't believe in your existence.
00:06:27Don't believe in your existence.
00:06:30My name is Will Brown.
00:06:32I'm a certified life coach.
00:06:35I'm a financial consultant.
00:06:38And I'm a father and a friend.
00:06:41Most recently, I became involved in the supernatural.
00:06:59When someone complains about spiritual encounters,
00:07:07my job is not to go there in the spirit of the Lord,
00:07:10like the priest would say,
00:07:12the spirit of the Lord compels you to get out of here.
00:07:16That's not what it's about.
00:07:18I'm just trying to find the truth.
00:07:21And that's someone basically that goes to check it out
00:07:24and find out if this is real or not.
00:07:26A friend of mine who's a contractor called me recently.
00:07:40He was on a job, and he says while he was there,
00:07:44late at night and, you know, by himself,
00:07:47he kept hearing noises in the house
00:07:50and thought maybe the house was haunted.
00:07:53So he said I should come up and check it out.
00:07:57And I did.
00:10:01So at the end of the day,
00:10:03I concluded that this one is a done, nice house,
00:10:07but not occupied by a ghost.
00:10:15And that's where we left it.
00:10:18That reoccurring dream you chalk up to be,
00:10:23it's the spirit of the night,
00:10:26the doppy man haunting.
00:12:14Still running, eh?
00:12:21Just a dream.
00:12:23Still running.
00:12:24Not long ago, I was introduced to my most recent clients,
00:12:29Chris and Tammy.
00:12:31Her friends affectionately call her Jenna.
00:12:34They were having difficulties in their relationship.
00:12:37Typically, though, I don't usually take on cases
00:12:41that involves non-financial affairs.
00:12:47However, I made an exception.
00:12:50Chris was complaining that Tammy's night terrors
00:12:55were destroying their relationship.
00:12:58Tammy explained to me that in her dreams,
00:13:01every night she was visited by some sort of force.
00:13:08And this happened every single night
00:13:10whenever she fell asleep and dreamt.
00:13:15So Tammy told me that in her dreams,
00:13:18she was running hysterically down the roads
00:13:22and it was affecting the way that they function as a couple.
00:13:28Couldn't get no sleep, can't function at work properly.
00:13:32And she tells me that she spoke to some friends
00:13:37and they tell her that it seemed like she's been haunted
00:13:41by the Duppy Man.
00:13:43I decided to take the case on for Chris and Tammy
00:13:46and I really wanted to help them,
00:13:48mainly because they were referred.
00:13:52So we met several times over a period of time
00:13:58and had coaching sessions.
00:14:00And it seemed like we were making some good progress.
00:14:06And then they stopped.
00:14:12Duppy is a supernatural spirit.
00:14:19It's very popular in Jamaican culture.
00:14:23In fact, duppy is a Patois word.
00:14:27Patois is a Jamaican dialect.
00:14:30It's a Patois word meaning ghost or spirit.
00:14:36It's a very popular term in that culture
00:14:40where people say you've been haunted by the Duppy Man
00:14:44or the Duppy Man is coming to get you.
00:14:47Her friends are telling her that that's what's happening to her.
00:14:50And so a duppy, based on my research,
00:14:54is a supernatural, malevolent, angry spirit
00:14:58that tends to haunt places, things, nightmares,
00:15:04you know, your dreams.
00:15:06And that seems like what was happening to Tammy.
00:15:15Jenna, where's the camera?
00:15:17It's in the bottom.
00:15:37Hey, how's it going?
00:15:41Hey, bro, what's going on, man?
00:15:43Ah, nothing.
00:15:44Hey, let's go, cab's running, though. Where's Jenna?
00:15:46Jenna, I don't know, she's in the room.
00:15:48How are you, girl?
00:15:49Good, how are you?
00:15:50Good to see you.
00:15:51Good to see you again.
00:15:52So good to see you.
00:15:54You ready?
00:15:55Yeah, let's go, let's go.
00:15:56Cab's waiting.
00:15:57Let's go.
00:15:58Come on, come on.
00:15:59They had gone to the islands, Jamaica,
00:16:02to a destination wedding.
00:16:06And according to their family, they never came back.
00:16:12I decided to check into the whereabouts of Chris and Tammy
00:16:18because they never came back after they went to Jamaica.
00:16:22I went to speak to some of their family members.
00:16:25I also went to speak to some of the people that had gone to Jamaica.
00:16:31And I decided to check in with Chris and Tammy
00:16:34because they never came back.
00:16:36And I decided to check in with Chris and Tammy
00:16:39and their family members.
00:16:41I also reached out to the bride and groom,
00:16:44the people that got married,
00:16:46and they said that, in fact, they were,
00:16:49Chris and Tammy were invited to the wedding,
00:16:52but they never showed up.
00:16:54Junior, Chris and Jenna were supposed to come to your wedding.
00:17:02Is that correct?
00:17:03Yeah, they were supposed to show up at the wedding.
00:17:05They were invited, but they didn't show up.
00:17:12We're kind of concerned because we haven't heard from them
00:17:14since before the wedding.
00:17:16So we're definitely going to try and reach out to them again
00:17:18and see if we can find out what happened.
00:17:20They were supposed to meet with this friend in Kingston
00:17:22with another couple.
00:17:24I found a friend, his name's Jamal,
00:17:26and he told me that, yes, he did meet up with them.
00:17:30They decided to take a quick trip into the countryside
00:17:34and, you know, they had two different cars, finally.
00:17:37So he drove ahead, gave them instructions.
00:17:40It was getting late in the night when he said
00:17:43he got an urgent, quick, frantic, frantic,
00:17:47cracked up phone call saying that they were having car trouble
00:17:51and, you know, and that was the last that he ever heard of.
00:19:06Chris, where are you?
00:19:16Oh, my God, Chris!
00:19:23Chris, are you all right?
00:19:25Chris is in a junk, man!
00:20:05He seems to think that they were taken by the dumpy man
00:20:10and said to me, if I didn't believe it,
00:20:13I should come check it out for myself.
00:20:16So I did.
00:20:18I packed my bags, booked my tickets
00:20:21and headed to Jamaica to search for the dumpy man.
00:20:29I'm on my way to Jamaica
00:20:32to find the dumpy man.
00:20:35I'm in the boarding lounge at the airport
00:20:39waiting to board the plane.
00:20:42Wish me luck.
00:20:48You know, being on the plane feels so...
00:20:53You know, being on the plane feels so...
00:20:59I've never actually travelled to a foreign country
00:21:04to look for anything other than relatives.
00:21:09But today is the day we're going to go
00:21:12and look for the supernatural, the dumpy man.
00:21:24I landed in Jamaica
00:21:26and the very minute that I got off the plane,
00:21:30the first thing that hit me was the extreme heat.
00:21:38Here I am in Jamaica, day one.
00:21:41And I'm at my niece's house
00:21:44We're about to go on the road
00:21:47to see what we can find
00:21:50and talk to some people about our dumpy story.
00:21:54It's a beautiful place, what a beautiful day, man.
00:21:57Holy crap, paradise is truly paradise.
00:22:01I remember when I was a kid
00:22:03and they used to, my parents,
00:22:06they used to tell a story about the dumpy
00:22:11and the reasons for the dumpy,
00:22:15as I come to understand it now,
00:22:17is that they use the dumpy stories
00:22:20to scare kids into behaving.
00:22:23But I have never seen a dumpy
00:22:26and lots of people say they've seen the dumpy
00:22:29but I have never seen this dumpy, man.
00:22:32I have no idea what this dumpy looks like
00:22:36but some kind of a ghost.
00:22:38So as a man and, you know, I grow up,
00:22:45I thought to myself,
00:22:47it's a good idea to see and find out
00:22:51who this dumpy is and where this dumpy is
00:22:54and what this dumpy is and, you know,
00:22:58all kinds of stuff.
00:23:00So, I'm looking for the dumpy.
00:23:04You know where the dumpy damn there?
00:23:07You've never seen one, eh?
00:23:09Me either.
00:23:11Me either, but I'm looking for him.
00:23:13Maybe he's up in this tree.
00:23:23Hey, who knows?
00:23:25Everybody talks about dumpy
00:23:27but it's hard to find someone
00:23:29who actually can prove that they've seen
00:23:32one of these dumpies.
00:23:35I guess it's the same thing with aliens, eh?
00:23:38You always wonder, how come all the people,
00:23:42you know, that you see on TV
00:23:44talking about how they've seen an alien
00:23:47or been abducted by aliens,
00:23:49how come they're always white
00:23:50and they're always Southern Americans?
00:23:53Southern white Americans.
00:23:56Do they have some sort of a special beacon
00:23:59that attracts these aliens?
00:24:02What is so special about you
00:24:04that all these aliens are always
00:24:06trying to abduct you, man?
00:24:09Like, seriously.
00:24:12I'm just getting shots of different things.
00:24:14That's all.
00:24:15It has nothing to do with you guys.
00:24:29No, I'm taking a...
00:24:30No, no, that's not what...
00:24:31You see that little outlet?
00:24:33I'm taking a film.
00:24:35It's called Duppy.
00:24:36So I'm just trying to catch
00:24:37a bunch of different shots.
00:24:38It's not even about people at all.
00:24:41Where is the Duppy?
00:24:42I'm looking for the Duppy.
00:24:43So the Duppy is hiding in the little hole.
00:24:47Have you ever seen a Duppy?
00:24:49No, I've never seen one.
00:24:50You've never seen one?
00:24:51That's why I look.
00:24:54I don't think you're going to see them in the day.
00:24:57Say that again. Let me get that back.
00:24:59I don't think you're going to see the Duppy in the day.
00:25:02Duppy come out at night.
00:25:03He's going to come out at night.
00:25:04Yeah, but we're going to find somebody.
00:25:06Who knows?
00:25:07Why is it that they just come out at day?
00:25:09You didn't say Duppy don't come out at night.
00:25:12True that.
00:25:13Duppy don't come out at night.
00:25:14All right.
00:25:16See the helicopter.
00:25:17I searched for Duppy there.
00:25:19Maybe that's what they're looking for.
00:25:22Duppy, man.
00:25:24Police, people in a helicopter.
00:25:26I searched for Duppy.
00:25:29Boy, these Duppys here are elusive.
00:25:34You afraid of Duppy?
00:25:37Hey, give me a hug, boy.
00:25:49I'm Jamal, and I am a friend of Chris.
00:25:58Started college, and I was lost for a class.
00:26:02And I saw Chris.
00:26:04So I asked him for a direction, and he told me.
00:26:09So we were walking to my class, and he met this gang.
00:26:14So we start talking, and then they were like,
00:26:18Chris was like, yo, you're Jamaican?
00:26:21And I was, yeah.
00:26:23And his girlfriend like, oh, I love Bob Marley.
00:26:26Sing Bob Marley for me.
00:26:28I started singing, and from that moment, like,
00:26:32me, Chris, and the gang, like, we just became one.
00:26:35I become a part of the gang.
00:26:38So what happened?
00:26:42In terms?
00:26:43Well, you met up with them in Kingston, and then?
00:26:51Ah, yeah.
00:26:53Well, they always want to come to Jamaica, so like,
00:26:58they came, we met up in Kingston.
00:27:01I take them out, show them places,
00:27:05take them to Bob Marley Museum, and stuff like that.
00:27:08So I invited them.
00:27:11Well, I drive a two-door car, so like,
00:27:15that couldn't fit everyone, so they have to rent a car.
00:27:18They're in the car, I go move up ahead of them,
00:27:22and they're behind me.
00:27:37Nicola, so you know, you met Chris and his friends, yes?
00:27:43Yes, I did.
00:27:45I met Chris and his friends some time ago
00:27:47when they came down on vacation.
00:27:50I pick them up at the airport, take them to their hotel,
00:27:54and help them to get checked in,
00:27:56and help see to it that they were settled.
00:28:01Nicola picked me up from the airport, and we got settled.
00:28:05And from jump, we started to do our investigation.
00:28:11We ended up at the Devon house, and started to look around,
00:28:16and ran into a number of people.
00:28:18But the strange thing is, everybody is denying the duppy.
00:28:23Like they're afraid.
00:28:25No one wants to get their picture taken.
00:28:27I wonder what they're afraid of.
00:28:29There's no legend of a duppy being here.
00:28:31There's no what?
00:28:32There's no legend of a duppy being here.
00:28:34There's no duppies here?
00:28:35Yes, there's no legend of a duppy. I heard of it.
00:28:37You didn't hear it?
00:28:38You're the first person to tell me you didn't know.
00:28:40And all these people here are denying it,
00:28:42but then they wink at me.
00:28:45It was an empty spot.
00:28:46The sun was out last night.
00:28:48It was a black spot coming towards me.
00:28:50I just closed my eyes.
00:28:51The only thing I could classify was that I was fine.
00:28:59So that was the fifth time you experienced a duppy?
00:29:01No, that was the only first.
00:29:06There are duppies.
00:29:07There's lots of duppies as you're traveling here.
00:29:12So what do you say, no duppy here?
00:29:14I've never seen one.
00:29:15You've never seen one?
00:29:19None of them are duppies.
00:29:21Of course they are.
00:29:29They don't exist.
00:29:31It does exist.
00:29:32If it's in your mind, it might exist too.
00:29:35It exists.
00:29:36They don't worship it.
00:29:38No, they don't worship it.
00:29:39Yes, and talk about that.
00:29:41We're not here to talk about that.
00:29:43Talk about something to elevate you.
00:29:45Because it's something you can't put on the path.
00:29:47Something white people shouldn't talk about.
00:29:50Because it's something to talk about.
00:29:52You know, just like how people talk about politics,
00:29:54and bad women, and bad pick-me-downs,
00:29:57and all the school, and the high price for gas,
00:30:01and the tax, and everything.
00:30:03It's something to talk about.
00:30:05Isn't that true?
00:30:06And the young people, they don't know what to do with that.
00:30:10But you're the elder.
00:30:11No, I'm not.
00:30:12You're the elder.
00:30:13I am.
00:30:14Yeah, so you have to lead the way and tell them.
00:30:17And talk about it.
00:30:18And tell them, say, hey, I'm going somewhere.
00:30:20Right now, I'm coming, and it's God's work for me.
00:30:23What do you believe exactly?
00:30:25When I fast and I break it, so I have to go home.
00:30:28Oh, so you're fasting.
00:30:30You were fasting.
00:30:32What is the purpose of your fasting?
00:30:35Anything you want to ask the Lord about, you just fast for.
00:30:38So it's not enough to just open your mouth and say,
00:30:40Lord, I need you to help me with this and that.
00:30:43Yes, you can say it, but the Bible says,
00:30:45without fasting and prayer, it cannot work.
00:30:49So you're doing it because the Bible said that.
00:30:52I can respect that.
00:30:56But we still have to search for a bubble,
00:30:58because everywhere we check people and say,
00:31:00see one, this one.
00:31:01I'm going to believe they are people,
00:31:03because someone could just easily point at you and say,
00:31:05I don't believe you.
00:31:06You don't believe I don't believe you,
00:31:08because we can't see you.
00:31:11It's clear as day.
00:31:12Don't you?
00:31:13All right, my boy.
00:31:14Have a good day.
00:31:15You too.
00:31:16All right.
00:31:17What a dope, eh?
00:31:18Party label.
00:31:20Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:31:21Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:31:24We ran into many people.
00:31:28Everyone is talking about something,
00:31:30but no one is really admitting that the W man really exists.
00:31:36Everyone wants to talk about something else.
00:31:39But we continue to search into Kingston.
00:31:45Along the way, you can see craziness everywhere.
00:31:52Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:31:56The place mash up and it's the Bureau of Standards.
00:31:59Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:32:02Oh, my goodness.
00:32:03That's outrageous.
00:32:07Today I have the feel of a Sunday.
00:32:10It's like it's a Sunday afternoon, everybody.
00:32:14Going out?
00:32:15Going out to eat ice cream.
00:32:18Tap dance on Sunday.
00:32:21Tap dance on Sundays.
00:32:23During the week, no, just with couples.
00:32:26On weekends, just with family.
00:32:29That's what it's about.
00:32:31Like you just meet someone or something like that.
00:32:35Come on.
00:32:38You just meet someone you want to cater out.
00:32:42The first thing that comes to your mind is...
00:32:44Ice cream.
00:32:50You want to go on a date.
00:32:53Take the kids out.
00:32:55Two places.
00:32:56You either go to Devon or you go to Emancipation Park.
00:33:01Emancipation Park?
00:33:04Where's that?
00:33:06Down the road.
00:33:09By the Mandela Park.
00:33:14This here is the Mandela Park.
00:33:16Oh, Mandela.
00:33:18Has Mandela ever been here?
00:33:19Yep, twice.
00:33:21Mandela came to Jamaica twice.
00:33:30I see it.
00:33:32This is going to sound weird.
00:33:33Let me turn off the camera.
00:33:40It has to be 100% about the mind.
00:33:44Because when you look at a person,
00:33:47what's going on, the way they look has a lot to do with...
00:33:51What? Yeah.
00:33:53The way they look is a direct reflection of what's going on in their mind.
00:33:58So if they have a diseased mind...
00:34:01After about 45 days after we meet up,
00:34:05they wanted to take us to Kingston to meet up with their friends.
00:34:08They wanted to take my car into Kingston.
00:34:11So I got a rental.
00:34:14Meanwhile, on our way to the country,
00:34:16we met in some difficulties, car problems.
00:34:20A lot of stuff happened, so the car broke down.
00:34:24My friend decided that they wouldn't walk the rest of the mile
00:34:27because it wasn't that far.
00:34:29But I decided to stay with the car because it was a rental
00:34:33and it was in my name, so I didn't want to go with them
00:34:36and leave the car by the roadside because it was in the country
00:34:39and I was scared.
00:34:40Eventually, I didn't saw them from that.
00:34:43That was the last I see of them.
00:34:45I tried to call, but there wasn't any answer,
00:34:48so I suggested that they bring me back to Canada.
00:35:09We went to downtown Kingston to see and hear
00:35:14and talk to people, but the results were nil.
00:35:20No one's willing to talk, so we kept going.
00:35:28But it's a beautiful place.
00:35:30It's so fast.
00:35:33I'm going to buy the Chinese.
00:35:44Hey, put that down.
00:35:47This is Crossroad.
00:35:51Kingston. Wow, what a place, man.
00:35:54It's such a contrast between downtown and uptown.
00:35:59The only thing in common, it's still Kingston.
00:36:02One is fast, the other is faster.
00:36:05But the results were still the same.
00:36:08Everyone avoided us, no one was willing to talk,
00:36:11and we still didn't find the duppy man.
00:36:15So we kept going.
00:36:4120 feet.
00:37:11So that's supposed to symbolize what?
00:37:18Freedom from oppression.
00:37:22Freedom from the colonizer.
00:37:25Freedom from...
00:37:30...angry spirits.
00:37:33Looking to God for freedom.
00:37:36Look over there, with the underwear.
00:37:42I mean, when it gets too rough and tight on the inside,
00:37:46we decide to put it on the outside.
00:37:49We use it up.
00:37:54The irony is, while we were busy looking for the duppy man
00:37:58in Celebration Square,
00:38:01we were busy getting, or they were busy towing our car.
00:38:06Go figure.
00:38:13What are you doing?
00:38:16Regardless, we got our car situation sorted out
00:38:19and went to visit the Children's Monument.
00:38:25So where are we here?
00:38:27Downtown Kingston.
00:38:31I don't think I'm going to go swimming there today.
00:38:53There goes the tow truck.
00:38:55They caught me before,
00:38:57and they're back trying to catch me again.
00:39:00Not going to happen twice.
00:39:04This is how I catch a lot of my shots in.
00:39:10Got a tip that, you know,
00:39:13some ghosts lived in an old slave plantation
00:39:16out in the North Coast.
00:39:19So we headed out that day,
00:39:22and along the way, we stopped to check out a few more places
00:39:26where we thought we may be able to find the duppy man.
00:39:30Check out a few more places where we thought
00:39:33we may be able to find some ghosts, some duppies,
00:39:37but still nothing.
00:39:41I can't help but wonder why so many people
00:39:44try to leave this island paradise when it's so beautiful.
00:39:48I can't even emphasize that.
00:39:51It's so beautiful.
00:39:53But, you know, we had a job to do,
00:39:56and we got on to do it,
00:40:00met these two ladies that had some fantastic stories,
00:40:04but still, after spending all that time,
00:40:08they did not find the duppy man.
00:40:11So the last tour, when it took place down at the sugar mill,
00:40:15I came in one morning for work,
00:40:17and I was actually coming from the office,
00:40:20heading under the sugar mill
00:40:23when I saw a slave man.
00:40:27It was a male person walking around under the sugar mill
00:40:31with his hands behind him,
00:40:33and he was actually viewing some prints
00:40:36that were hanging on the wall.
00:40:38He was wearing half a pants, no shirt,
00:40:43really black man,
00:40:45and he was just walking around and viewing prints.
00:40:48Oh, my goodness.
00:40:49I was a poor man, too, along with Shirley.
00:40:54After finishing my tour,
00:40:56everybody had come around here,
00:40:58so I just walked down to the sugar mill.
00:41:01Coming up, when I looked upstairs,
00:41:03I saw a tall man and two ladies.
00:41:06I got tired, but the man had run up and fell down,
00:41:10but I could not see the face of the man.
00:41:13So I got curious about it,
00:41:15so I said to the supervisor,
00:41:17I saw three persons, a tall black man and two ladies,
00:41:21and I was tired.
00:41:22No one was in the room that was tired.
00:41:25So I said, you know, there's two entrances.
00:41:28Well, you walk that way, and I walk upstairs.
00:41:32So in case it is someone, we know that it's someone.
00:41:36So when we go up there, it doesn't see no one.
00:41:38So that is impossible,
00:41:40because how far that person would go,
00:41:43maybe they would have to jump through the window.
00:41:45But when I realized, no, it was a ghost,
00:41:48and then one of my co-workers was laughing and said,
00:41:51oh, you have to eat that because it's hot.
00:41:53He said that is a old phrase, you know, from that time.
00:42:03You have a Duffy story now?
00:42:04Yeah, what?
00:42:05Let me hear it now.
00:42:07Well, my Duffy story, when I was younger,
00:42:09I talk about the preacher, man.
00:42:13Up in the hill there, I come home one night,
00:42:17service did nice.
00:42:19Feeling good, he must sing.
00:42:22And he must come up to one big old bar of a tree.
00:42:25But earlier, some boy decided to pull a joke on him.
00:42:29So he get one white sheet.
00:42:32And when the preacher man come up,
00:42:34come up almost like the tree,
00:42:36he jump out of the tree,
00:42:38when he jump out of the tree with the white sheet over him,
00:42:41and the preacher man start...
00:42:45Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
00:42:47All kind of...
00:42:50So the preacher man say, I cuss you out because Duffy,
00:42:53and me not cuss Duffy, get out of here, Satan.
00:42:56And me not cuss, and me not cuss a rascal.
00:43:14So Danny, tell me about...
00:43:16I want you to tell me about the story again, Miss Matilda,
00:43:19from beginning to end.
00:43:22Well, Miss Matty is one of the...
00:43:25My life is based around her.
00:43:27Her influence was so strong.
00:43:30Her personality was amazing.
00:43:32This was somebody that...
00:43:35I don't think a day or a week goes by
00:43:37where somewhere along there,
00:43:39I don't think about her or mention her.
00:43:42As a matter of fact, the name Danny,
00:43:44I give credit to my grandmother.
00:43:47Big woman, small woman, what is it?
00:43:51What I remember, she was a very slender...
00:43:55Probably, I would say about 5'10".
00:44:00As a matter of fact, even today,
00:44:03every year they still honor this lady,
00:44:05and she died well over 40 years ago.
00:44:08That just goes to tell you how amazing this lady is.
00:44:11I live in Orlando,
00:44:13which is the other side of the world,
00:44:15which people still...
00:44:17I hear people that don't even know who I am
00:44:19talking about this amazing lady.
00:44:21So how was that relationship?
00:44:23Oh, man.
00:44:25As anybody know Jamaicans,
00:44:27they're not afraid to introduce
00:44:29a good old...
00:44:31Rhyme of correction.
00:44:33Rhyme of correction.
00:44:34You know, because she will beat you,
00:44:36you'll know why you got to get away.
00:44:40He never killed me.
00:44:42He made me a very strong and a proud man today.
00:44:45Miss Mattie died on that bridge,
00:44:47and they found her body eventually,
00:44:50and they buried her.
00:44:51But some people say that the road is haunted,
00:44:54and her spirit is haunting the road.
00:44:56So elaborate on that topic, what you mean.
00:44:59I mean, I heard a story that the bridge is haunted,
00:45:03and other people are here actually
00:45:06lost their life around that location.
00:45:09Well, it's very interesting,
00:45:12because I love Duffy's stories.
00:45:16I'm not a good storyteller,
00:45:18but I love Duffy's stories.
00:45:20Why, you think she's upset, angry,
00:45:22at the road traveler?
00:45:23I believe she could be angry,
00:45:25because a place like that,
00:45:29they did not take care of a little lady.
00:45:32She cannot be more than 4 feet tall,
00:45:343 feet and change.
00:45:36She said,
00:45:37Miss, don't worry,
00:45:38Miss Mattie will always look out for you.
00:45:40She'll be always right over your shoulder.
00:45:43So always stay positive,
00:45:45because she will always be there looking out for you.
00:45:47And I must say,
00:45:48there are times I've done,
00:45:50I've vowed to do some dumb things,
00:45:52and it's like somebody just hold me,
00:45:55and pulled me,
00:45:56and turned me around from that event
00:45:58that I was going to do,
00:45:59and I only can contribute that to Miss Mattie.
00:46:01You think the bridge is haunted and the road?
00:46:10Every month, every week,
00:46:12you see some article in the paper,
00:46:13someone said Duffy,
00:46:14a haunted house.
00:46:15It's hype.
00:46:16It's hype,
00:46:17and maybe there are,
00:46:19maybe there are incidents
00:46:20that people are aware of,
00:46:21and they're going to write about it.
00:46:25Write about it, you know.
00:46:27But my feeling is very negative on it.
00:46:32I don't believe that they can do
00:46:35what they say they're doing.
00:46:37I do know,
00:46:38and believe,
00:46:39that chemically,
00:46:41people can hurt you.
00:46:43But what they're talking about,
00:46:44I don't know.
00:46:45I don't come this way.
00:46:46You don't?
00:46:47I don't.
00:46:48I can tell you one time though,
00:46:49I went to a dance one night, right,
00:46:52this was back in the 60s.
00:46:55And my friend did a show,
00:46:57and it was a bicycle,
00:46:58bicycle thing to come over.
00:47:01And man,
00:47:02I don't know why I got so scared,
00:47:03but all the things that they talk about
00:47:05that the doctor wasn't certain,
00:47:06you know,
00:47:07I had to pass it to come home.
00:47:09And I rode,
00:47:10and I rode all the way home.
00:47:12I saw so many ghosts,
00:47:14which was not there.
00:47:16It's a mental thing.
00:47:18And nothing happened.
00:47:20I rode home.
00:47:21Were you on drugs?
00:47:22No, I don't do drugs.
00:47:26But maybe it was real then.
00:47:28No, no.
00:47:29It's a...
00:47:30It's a psychological thing.
00:47:32So you're saying it's just,
00:47:33these are just stories people tell.
00:47:34It's a mental thing.
00:47:35In that case,
00:47:36it was a mental thing.
00:47:38All the time,
00:47:39I can remember coming that night,
00:47:40that morning coming home,
00:47:41you know,
00:47:42when the wind blew the cane
00:47:43and it swirled around like that?
00:47:44Yeah, right.
00:47:45Yeah, it swirled around like that.
00:47:47And I got scared.
00:47:48But I said to myself,
00:47:49I'm going home,
00:47:50and the only thing I'm going to do,
00:47:52I'm going to go straight,
00:47:53straight at the thing,
00:47:54whatever it is, you know?
00:47:56Straight there.
00:47:57So I built up all that defense
00:47:58and all that,
00:47:59but nothing ever happened
00:48:00before I saw.
00:48:03the best of the story I heard,
00:48:05that there's a river down there,
00:48:06the Rhyme, you know?
00:48:08I heard that a skeleton
00:48:09was riding a horse.
00:48:11And when he crossed the river,
00:48:13he saw this man standing,
00:48:16and the man asked him
00:48:18for a ride on the horse.
00:48:20And so I said,
00:48:21okay, jump up.
00:48:22The guy jumped up behind him.
00:48:24So he started telling this man
00:48:29I heard that
00:48:30there's some duffies down there, man,
00:48:32and I have some teeth like these here.
00:48:35So the second person said,
00:48:37teeth like these?
00:48:44That's a good one.
00:48:48That's a duffy magic.
00:48:49Teeth like these.
00:48:50Teeth like these.
00:48:52I think I,
00:48:53I think I fear ghosts,
00:48:58I went to New York about
00:49:0110 years ago.
00:49:03And I had a dream
00:49:04how my present,
00:49:05how my sister's husband
00:49:07was in the hallway.
00:49:11you know, he was dead.
00:49:13And I said,
00:49:14I walked over and I saw him.
00:49:15I said,
00:49:16man, what are you doing here, man?
00:49:17And he said,
00:49:18this is,
00:49:19in my dream, you know.
00:49:20In my dream.
00:49:21And that's,
00:49:22that's the general
00:49:23thing that happens
00:49:24when it comes to
00:49:25ghosts and all that.
00:49:27I normally scare them.
00:49:29And I normally face them
00:49:30head on.
00:49:32Then I was done.
00:49:33But I do have,
00:49:34I've had a duffy dream.
00:49:39a dream where I tried to
00:49:40hold it down and all that.
00:49:41I've had a dream where someone
00:49:42tried to hold it in
00:49:43to get away.
00:49:45Oh, shit.
00:49:46Same idea.
00:49:47When you finish,
00:49:48you're tired, boy.
00:49:50But they have never
00:49:51gotten that far with me.
00:49:57Where did you, uh,
00:49:58grow up here?
00:49:59Oh, I grew up
00:50:00right where, um,
00:50:01where what?
00:50:02That church you went to
00:50:03this morning.
00:50:05Right there.
00:50:06What's that area called?
00:50:11But when you,
00:50:12when you turn off the main
00:50:13and go up the hill there.
00:50:15That's Scornpiece.
00:50:16You know,
00:50:17I hate taking directions
00:50:18from Jamaicans.
00:50:19You know,
00:50:20they always say,
00:50:21you know what Jamaicans say,
00:50:22you gotta turn left
00:50:23and go up the hill.
00:50:24So you gotta turn up there
00:50:25so when you go reach there
00:50:26so you go down
00:50:27and then you go up
00:50:28and turn around again.
00:50:29Right by the mango tree.
00:50:30Right by the mango tree.
00:50:31And after you reach there
00:50:32so you just go up the hill
00:50:33a little bit more
00:50:34and around the corner
00:50:35and you're dead there.
00:50:41This little town we call
00:50:43Capri Settlement.
00:50:51What is this area called, Mom?
00:50:53Why would you choose
00:50:54to eat bee vomit?
00:51:01Duppy love bee vomit.
00:51:05We'll go see.
00:51:07We'll go see.
00:51:08What see you doing?
00:51:10How you handle that?
00:51:12You think it's Duppy
00:51:13and his business or what?
00:51:14Yeah, I don't...
00:51:15I don't find out.
00:51:17Mr. Brown,
00:51:18you think it's Duppy's business?
00:51:21I'm protected, man.
00:51:30This is a beautiful shot
00:51:31right there, man.
00:51:34No, don't stay in that shot.
00:51:38Oh, that dog.
00:51:55Got another tip
00:51:56that some ghost entities
00:52:00were in an area called Cornpeace
00:52:02and so we headed out there
00:52:06but saw a lot of dogs,
00:52:09birds, cats,
00:52:12but no Duppies.
00:52:14Even some goats,
00:52:15but still no Duppies.
00:52:19So we eventually headed
00:52:21back to the city.
00:52:31What's it say?
00:52:32Tell me the detail
00:52:33about the bus that takes us
00:52:35to Mojave.
00:52:37North, north, north, north.
00:52:39North, north, north.
00:52:53On the road heading to
00:52:56where are we going?
00:52:59Just to find a Duppy.
00:53:01We're going to have to
00:53:02obviously do that again,
00:53:03but yeah, here we go.
00:53:09I heard of a bridge
00:53:12and a stretch of road
00:53:13in the countryside
00:53:16called Miss Mattie Bridge
00:53:19and I heard the path of road
00:53:22was haunted
00:53:24so we decided to head
00:53:26to the country
00:53:28and check out Miss Mattie Bridge.
00:53:32Along the way,
00:53:33basically we stopped
00:53:34at every possible nook and cranny
00:53:37and corner that we could find
00:53:39just to see if anybody
00:53:42knows anything about Miss Mattie.
00:53:47That's this,
00:53:48that looks like that one.
00:53:55I had heard about these kids
00:53:58that disappeared
00:54:01along the stretch of road
00:54:02and decided to take
00:54:04the same route and backtrack
00:54:06and through all the areas
00:54:08they traveled
00:54:09and hopefully get to the point
00:54:11where they disappeared
00:54:12and see what had happened,
00:54:15see if we can solve that story
00:54:17and this is one of those places
00:54:19we stopped in
00:54:21and, you know,
00:54:23we decided to check things out
00:54:25and obviously,
00:54:26not obvious,
00:54:27but we didn't find much.
00:54:58It's just a coincidence that,
00:55:00or maybe not,
00:55:02that the same area
00:55:03where Miss Mattie lives
00:55:05is the same area
00:55:07where we were supposed to go
00:55:11to see if we could find
00:55:14the document.
00:55:28I arrived at the house
00:55:30where Miss Mattie
00:55:32was supposed to live
00:55:34before she died
00:55:36and decided to take liberties
00:55:39and check the place out
00:55:43As we were going along
00:55:45and walking through the place,
00:55:47we picked up some admirers.
00:56:31The house itself is just a house.
00:56:33There really isn't much to it,
00:56:35but we decided to walk around
00:56:37and check things out.
00:56:39It was getting kind of evening-ish
00:56:42and we didn't want to venture
00:56:44too far into anywhere,
00:56:46but we didn't find anything.
00:56:50Miss Mattie definitely wasn't home.
00:56:54But we decided to continue
00:56:56our search beyond the house.
00:58:57Looking for the duppy.
00:58:59I'm in Brandon Hill.
00:59:02This area is called Stump Hill.
00:59:05I hear that there's a duppy.
01:00:11This place is so beautiful in the day,
01:00:14but it's creepy as heck in the night.
01:00:17I can't even see how people live there.
01:00:20It's like what people seem to use
01:00:23and they're just living.
01:00:27But I just continued to search.
01:00:45I decided to continue my search,
01:00:48which, of course,
01:00:50heading towards Miss Mattie's bridge,
01:00:53which is where the infamous incident happened.
01:01:10Miss Mattie Connor.
01:01:12This is where Miss Matilda Benjamin
01:01:15crashed over the bridge
01:01:18and died at this very spot.
01:01:27And now the whole area is haunted.
01:01:30You can feel her spirit.
01:01:33We can't stay here too long.
01:01:39This bridge was built in 1929.
01:01:45It's had long and absolutely no repair since.
01:01:48It's a shame.
01:01:53But it's not my job to do it.
01:01:57After checking around Miss Mattie's house
01:02:00and the general area,
01:02:02I didn't find anything.
01:02:04So I decided to go back to Miss Mattie's bridge
01:02:08in the dead of night.