• 7 years ago
G | 1h 26min | Adventure , Comedy , Drama | September 1975 (USA)
Original Title: Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven

With the help of her friends Tommy and Annika, Pippi Longstocking ventures to the South Pacific island Porto Piluse to rescue her father, who was captured by ruthless pirates.

Director: Olle Hellbom

Writers: Fred Ladd, Astrid Lindgren

Stars: Inger Nilsson, Maria Persson, Pär Sundberg
00:25Fire one across the bow, miss!
00:27One across the bow!
00:29Ha! One across the bow it is!
00:31It's a boomer!
00:33It's a boomer!
00:37It's a boomer!
00:39It's a boomer!
01:57All right, children, we're leaving now.
01:59I want you two to play nicely and don't fight.
02:01It all started that first Thursday in July.
02:04Mom and Dad were going on vacation.
02:06We were staying home.
02:08Mom was super worried.
02:10But Dad calmed her down.
02:12He said, don't worry, the children won't really be alone.
02:15Their old friend, Pippi Longstocking, has promised to keep an eye on them.
02:18Okay, kids, have fun at Pippi's.
02:20You would say that, Sven. Now I'm starting to worry again.
02:23Gee, what are you worrying for?
02:25That's what I say, Annika.
02:27Bye, darling.
02:28Give us a kiss.
02:30Say hello to Pippi for us.
02:31See you. I will.
02:33So long.
02:34See you. Have a good time.
02:36We will. Bye. See you.
02:38See you.
02:49Imagine, living at Pippi's for a whole three weeks.
02:53Isn't that great?
02:56Hi, old man.
02:58Hi, old man.
03:00How are you?
03:01Want a piece of sugar?
03:04There you are.
03:05She went carefully.
03:06How is it?
03:12Pippi, we're here!
03:31Where are you anyway?
03:38I found her on the couch, sound asleep.
03:43Wake up!
03:47Pippi, where have you gone?
03:48Well, you just try to find me.
03:51She's outside in the yard.
03:54Watch out, I'm coming in for a landing.
03:56Hey, what are you doing? You can't fly a bed.
03:59Nobody can fly a bed.
04:01It isn't that.
04:02This is a...
04:04It's a zeppelin.
04:05Oh, that's no zeppelin.
04:07Sure it is a zeppelin.
04:08I should know, I built it, didn't I?
04:24Excuse me, my beard needs a little trimming.
04:29Now I look just like Pirate Fabe.
04:34Pirate Fabe?
04:35Who's that?
04:36He was my grandfather, Captain Fabian Longstocking,
04:39the most dangerous pirate of the seven seas.
04:41He only robbed big ships because they carried lots of treasure.
04:45And all the treasure he buried in his secret cave
04:48was hidden by the pirates.
04:51And all the treasure he buried in his secret cave
04:53on a far away island,
04:55where it remains hidden to this very day.
04:57Imagine the treasure of a pirate.
05:01Didn't that's where you and your dad go to get those golden coins?
05:07See, they don't make beds like they used to.
05:16Pippi the Pirate sounds pretty good, doesn't it?
05:18One of these days I'm going to the South Pacific.
05:21Oh, sure. You haven't even got a boat.
05:24Who needs a boat? I'll just walk on the water.
05:27Walk on water? I'd like to see you try.
05:42Well, now we know you can't walk on water.
05:44But then I haven't practiced.
05:46You have to practice to do anything well.
05:49I see a bottle out there with a note inside.
05:52Hey, yeah. I think you're right, Annika.
05:54Don't worry.
05:55No secret message ever got away from Pippi Longstocking.
06:00Is it really a bottle message?
06:02I think so.
06:03There's a paper inside it anyhow.
06:05Isn't this exciting?
06:06Here, you take it, Tommy.
06:08You'd better read it because I still don't know all the letters.
06:17Pippi, from your Papa.
06:19Well, hurry. Read the words.
06:21Pippi, come help me before it's too late.
06:23Read the rest. Fast.
06:25Well, it says I've been captured by pirates.
06:28Oh, Papa, how could you?
06:30They've taken my ship and crew and put us ashore on a deserted island.
06:34Me, I seem to be in a small pirate's town.
06:38But I don't know where exactly because I was brought here blindfolded.
06:42Remember those two new men I wrote about?
06:44Well, they got together with a band of pirates,
06:47organized a mutiny, then became pirate chiefs themselves,
06:50called Blood's Vent and Jock the Knife.
06:53They have me locked up in a musty old fort,
06:56and they plague me night and day to tell them where the treasure is.
06:59For heaven's sake, Pippi, come help me before I starve.
07:02All they give me is bread and water.
07:06Bread and water? My poor Papa.
07:10Chubby! Hey, Chubby!
07:13Are you wakening, Chubby? Eh?
07:16Stop calling me Chubby.
07:21Chubby! Chubby!
07:24Keep laughing, Rosalinda.
07:29A message.
07:34A message.
07:35Now all I have to do is wait.
07:38You just wait, Chubby. You just wait.
07:41I don't want to wait.
07:43I don't want to wait. I want to get out.
07:50I've got to get up a rescue expedition fast.
07:53We'll go with you, Pippi.
07:54Mommy won't like that, Tommy. We'd better stay home.
07:57Oh, I think all three of us going together is a neat idea.
08:00I know.
08:02Didn't I promise on my word of honor to look after you every single minute?
08:06Well, yes.
08:07If I left you home, I wouldn't be keeping my word, would I?
08:10And who knows what could happen to the two of you while I was away.
08:13Terrible things, maybe.
08:15That's true.
08:16Now there are certain things we're going to need on this expedition.
08:26We're going to need a telescope.
08:30A map.
08:33A sex tint.
08:36And this. This is great.
08:38What's so great?
08:39First it was purchased in Acapulco.
08:44It's a magic ball.
08:46No fooling.
08:50It belonged to a fortune teller.
08:58Crystal ball.
09:01What's become of Papa?
09:06Good ball.
09:09Famous ball.
09:11Where's Papa?
09:14Show me where he is.
09:18Aw, this stupid thing doesn't work.
09:23We'd better take this gun.
09:26I know Mom wouldn't worry about a thing if she knew you were protected with a gun.
09:30Sure, she'd be glad.
09:33Imagine going to a real pirate's town.
09:36How exciting.
09:37Crystal ball.
09:39Crystal ball.
09:41Oh, if only that crystal ball wasn't so stupid.
09:44Oh, sure, it would show us where my Papa is.
09:49Porto Peluz.
09:58Porto Peluz.
10:09Goodbye, old man.
10:12Don't eat all your roasts at once. Save some for later.
10:18We're off to Pirate Island and a merry song we're singing.
10:31We're not afraid of pirates and we'll have them trembling.
10:35For Pippi's one they can't stop, those pirates should stop trying.
10:40We'll smash their den then once again and make those pirates cry.
10:44If those pirates trap us and they do their best to grab us, we'll act smart then you'll see.
10:51Tommy and a car and me.
10:53Here comes Pippi Longstocking.
10:56Hope and a hay and a hope shiner.
10:58Here comes Pippi Longstocking.
11:00Watch out, here I come.
11:02Who wants a bologna sandwich?
11:14How about Mr. Nilsen?
11:19Hungry, Mr. Nilsen?
11:21He'll eat bologna.
11:22He eats everything.
11:25You really think we can find your Papa, Pippi?
11:27Sure, why not?
11:29We're now heading due south, Tom.
11:32In another 2,000 miles we'll be right over the South Pacific where Papa is.
11:57Pippi, wake up, quick, wake up.
12:07Okay, now you can go back to sleep.
12:29Good morning.
12:33Good morning, I said.
12:43Good morning, Tommy.
12:47Bologna sandwich?
12:53Gee, it's so smooth up here this morning.
12:57It's great flying a zeppelin.
12:59You know, we're not even moving.
13:02We're not moving because there's no wind.
13:08The balloon's gone.
13:12Hey, we're sitting on top of a mountain.
13:15The balloon's down there, deflated.
13:18Boy, what do we do now?
13:21Yep, we begin climbing on foot.
13:40Listen, Pippi, if we're going to walk all the way, we won't get there till next year.
13:44Don't worry, everything will be okay.
13:46You'll see.
13:47But, Pippi, we still have thousands of miles to go.
13:50All right, up.
13:51Come on, Ulysses, come on your feet.
13:52We've got to be prepared in case that Pippi Longstocking shows up.
13:56Fall in.
13:57Come on, everybody, fall in.
13:59Form a straight line.
14:00You know what a straight line is?
14:02Everybody, straighten it out.
14:04Drill practice.
14:06Forward, march.
14:11Hand to the rear.
14:15Face into the rear.
14:17Now with your hooves.
14:18Come on, move.
14:19Straighten it out.
14:20That's it.
14:21That looks good.
14:22Now hang on it.
14:23And bow face.
14:28Bow face.
14:29I said bow face.
14:30Bow face.
14:32My dictionary.
14:36I found the manual.
15:09Hey, it's an airplane.
15:11Yeah, but all that's left is a propeller.
15:13Well, we can use that.
15:18What are we going to do, build a plane?
15:22Gee, this is great.
15:23Great for what?
15:24I'm loaded for the aircraft, silly.
15:29Hey, I found some wooden planks and crates.
15:32Let's build the airplane's fuselage out of those.
15:56All set?
16:00Here, Annika.
16:01Okay, Annika.
16:02Let's start rolling.
16:03Wait, Pippi.
16:04How can we start rolling without wheels?
16:05Gee, you worry about every little thing.
16:06I'll be the wheels myself.
16:07Let her roll, Annika.
16:08Faster, Annika, faster.
16:10Thanks, Annika.
16:11Oh, you're welcome.
16:12I'll be right back, Pippi.
16:13I'm coming.
16:17There's no time to catch up.
16:18The airplane's full of people.
16:19We've got to catch up to that engine.
16:20It's going to be slow.
16:21Oh, come on, Pippi.
16:22I'm going to catch up.
16:23Hurry up, you're going to catch up.
16:24I'm coming, Pippi.
16:25Hurry up.
16:26Hurry up.
16:27Hurry up.
16:28Oh, no.
16:29Damn it.
16:32I am tippy-long, stocking if you say it fast, it's funny.
16:58Tippy-tippy-long, stocking how I love my happy name.
17:02I'm only nine, I always live alone, inside my papa's house, until he comes back home from far off somewhere.
17:14I have special friends of course, a monkey and a horse, they share in my adventures too.
17:24I am tippy-long, stocking if you say it fast, it's funny.
17:29Tippy-tippy-long, stocking how I love my funny name.
17:34I am tippy-long, stocking if you say it fast, it's funny.
17:40Pippi, Pippi, you know it's so hot it's getting?
17:44Say, it is getting hot.
17:47Anawanda, look at all this smoke.
17:50We're coming to a volcano straight ahead.
17:53Don't go over it Anika, turn.
17:56Turn, go around it, left or right.
18:00It won't turn.
18:01Let her stop.
18:03Then we'll drive right through it.
18:17I don't think mommy would like this.
18:27Daddy wouldn't think much of it either.
18:37Pippi, all okay.
19:09Uh-oh, the engine just broke.
19:11What do we do now?
19:13We can't go very far without an engine.
19:15I've got it.
19:17We continue as glider flight.
19:19We'll ease the plane down for a landing on that island.
19:22Do you think it's safe?
19:23Why not?
19:24What could hurt us on a pretty island like that?
19:43Here comes Pippi, long, stocking.
19:45Hoping it ain't a hoax, Shauna.
19:47Here comes Pippi, long, stocking.
19:49Watch out, here I come.
19:52Here we are.
20:18I just know that mommy would not approve.
20:27Have you seen Pippi?
20:29Here comes Pippi, long, stocking.
20:31Hoping it ain't a hoax, Shauna.
20:33Now where's Mr. Nelson?
20:35Mr. Nelson.
20:38Think he might have fallen into the water and drowned?
20:42Mr. Nelson.
20:45Hey, Mr. Nelson.
20:54Mr. Nelson.
20:57Mr. Nelson.
21:03Mr. Nelson.
21:06Mr. Nelson.
21:12There he is.
21:13Now, Mr. Nelson, you wait there while we explore the island.
21:24Pippi, do you think there are dangerous wild animals around?
21:29I doubt it.
21:30You can see it's calm and peaceful everywhere you look.
21:39What a nice little lake that is over there.
21:41We should all go in for a cool dip.
21:43Not just now, Anika.
21:45Later, maybe, if we have time.
22:12Here, Tommy.
22:32Say, Pippi, how are we gonna get away from here?
22:34It's a cinch.
22:37I brought this along just in case.
22:40What kind of book did you bring?
22:41How to Build a Raft.
22:43With that such knowledge, it can be dangerous to come to an uninhabited island.
22:47You read, Tommy.
22:53First, you cut down a lot of trees.
22:55Next, you...
22:56Oh, we didn't even take along an ax.
23:02What do we do without an ax?
23:04I sure wish you were a beaver, Tommy.
23:06What for?
23:07Because then you could gnaw down all those trees for us.
23:19Say, Tommy, beavers have to have awful taste in their mouth.
23:23How can they stand it?
23:24I could never be a beaver.
23:26Are beavers dangerous?
23:28Anika, I told you there are no dangerous animals on this island.
23:44I found your compass!
23:47Hey, that's great!
23:53Gee, wasn't that lucky?
24:06What is it, Pippi?
24:09It's my papa.
24:13I do wonder how he is out there.
24:28Well, chubby, have you decided to speak up?
24:31Loosen his tongue, bloodsledge!
24:34Rosalinda's right.
24:35Unless you tell us where you buried the treasure, we'll have to loosen up your tongue a little.
24:39Oh, bloodsledge, about loosening that tongue.
24:43Do you suppose we could do it beginning now with this?
24:47Steel works better than bread and water.
24:50Wait till Pippi shows up.
24:52Both you rats are through.
24:55Your Pippi is all you're ever speaking of.
24:57Ah, yes.
24:59Windy today, isn't it?
25:01Quiet down, Rosalinda.
25:04Now look, chubby, Pippi doesn't even know that we're holding you here.
25:08Doesn't know?
25:11See that?
25:13That's flask post.
25:15I send her a note each morning.
25:17Pretty clever, huh?
25:19Everybody keep watch now!
25:20Man overboard!
25:23I guarantee Pippi will be here any time now.
25:26You think we're scared of her?
25:28Well, we're not, so there.
25:30Of course, we have 200 reinforcements and 200 musket thunder guns and 1,000 rifles, swords and carbines.
25:37Now what do you have to say to that?
25:38Now what have you got to say to that, huh?
25:41Beside that, how would she be able to enter this fort?
25:44Bust in?
25:46Who could?
25:48We shall see.
25:49We shall see.
25:53Day is done, day is done.
25:57Far to the west the setting sun.
26:01Day is done, day is done.
26:06Overland and sea.
26:10Waves on the sea are slumbering in their pool.
26:18Soon on a mountain I'll be slumbering too.
26:27Boy, look at those lights in the jungle.
26:31Pippi, those must be wild animals.
26:35Yeah, we better show those animals we don't stand for nonsense.
26:45Oh, so there.
26:50Let's go to bed now.
26:58I think this is a great island.
27:00If we didn't have to rescue your papa, I wouldn't mind staying here for a while.
27:03Oh, no, Tommy.
27:04We have to rescue her papa, then get right home.
27:12Anya, don't you be afraid.
27:16How are we ever going to get off this island?
27:18Good question, Anika.
27:24Before you say, no boats ever pass this island.
27:27Did I?
27:28That was silly.
27:30For all I know, a ship might be heading this way right now.
27:50What's that?
27:53Tommy, Anika, come out, quickly.
27:56What's wrong?
28:16There, you see? It's come.
28:18That ship I mentioned last night.
28:21Hey, wait.
28:22That's a pirate ship.
28:25Pippi, Bloods, Fenton, Jack, the knife might be in charge.
28:28Well, they've sailed in our port.
28:35Hey, watch out, Pippi.
28:38The ocean is filled.
28:39It's filled up with big sharks.
28:42Come back.
28:43Who's afraid of some old sharks?
28:48Get away, you old shark.
28:49I have to get through.
28:51That's the way.
28:52That's a good sharkie.
28:58Well, good morning.
29:00One-eyed Oscar, what gets you up so early?
29:03Well, look, Callie, a man has to sleep sometime.
29:05Even if he is an adventurer.
29:08Well, tonight's the night.
29:10You know what they'll say afterwards about us?
29:13That you and me, Callie the Fox and One-Eyed Oscar,
29:15are the most dangerous pirates on the seven seas.
29:18We'll laugh at those pigs.
29:20That Blood, Fenton, Jack.
29:22Move over, boys.
29:23Make room.
29:25And once we get our hands on that long stocking guy,
29:27we won't be just the most dangerous on the seven seas.
29:29We'll be the richest.
29:32Set sail, lads.
29:33To Port of Belouse.
29:35To Port of Belouse.
29:38What was that?
29:39The water's alive with sharks.
29:41Look, you just leave Blood, Fenton, Jack, the knife to me.
29:44With my own hands, I'll put them right on the plank,
29:46and they're finished.
29:47And that long stocking guy goes right down to the hole.
29:49And there he stays on bread and water
29:51till he squeals about where he's buried his treasure.
29:55Quick, get our things out.
30:00What are we going to do, Pippi?
30:02We're going to become pirates and take that ship.
30:05How will we be able to do that?
30:07As Grandfather used to say, we have to be clever.
30:11Poor Blood, Fenton.
30:12I'm glad I'm not in his shoes.
30:14I'm not in Jack's either.
30:15Come over here.
30:18Oscar! Oscar!
30:27Who in thunder can that be?
30:30Will you tell me who knows me out here?
30:32Don't ask me.
30:37Come, Oscar!
30:39The island's uninhabited, isn't it?
30:41Ghosts, you think?
30:43What could they want from me?
30:46What's this all about?
30:47What do you want from me there?
30:54Come and get the treasure, Oscar!
30:57Pirate treasure.
30:58Don't worry, Oscar.
30:59We'll all go with you.
31:00Everybody in the boats!
31:02Raphael, you remain aboard.
31:04Keep a sharp watch.
31:13Eve, to me, honey!
31:26All right, let's get that treasure!
31:44I heard it over here.
31:45Over here.
31:46Over here somewhere.
32:11You see that?
32:13The monkey with clothes on.
32:15Hey, that's scary.
32:18Dumb, Mr. Nelson.
32:20You may have ruined our whole escape plan.
32:22Hey, you think the monkey called?
32:25I know they're not that smart.
32:26But this one lives on an uninhabited island,
32:28dressed like a person.
32:32Mr. Nelson!
32:34Calm down.
32:37Well, they gotta be here someplace.
32:39Who says so?
32:40Maybe they're blasted spooks, is what they are.
32:42Spooks, my foot.
32:44They're here.
33:03I don't understand why it suddenly got so quiet.
33:06Why don't they shout and call out so we can trace their voices?
33:09Listen, something fishy's going on around here.
33:13Back to the boats!
33:14Back to the boats, everybody!
33:30Jump into the boat before the sharks get you!
33:41Hey, our ship!
33:42Our ship!
33:58Hippie, I do feel sorry for those pirates.
34:00How are they supposed to get out of there?
34:02But they have boats, Annika.
34:04And they all can row, I want you to know.
34:07Hey, that rhymes!
34:09But are we allowed to take their boat away from them like that?
34:12It isn't their boat.
34:14They captured it and then took it right away from someone else.
34:18We'll borrow it till we get home to Vila Vila Coo-la.
34:21Then the first thing I'll do is stick an advertisement in the paper.
34:25One pirate ship may be claimed by giving description.
34:29You wouldn't believe how filthy you can get on these expeditions, Tom.
34:33Good thing it doesn't matter.
34:35Better give your shirt to me.
34:37Hippie, give me your apron.
34:43Here, Annika.
35:10There you are.
35:12Oh, no.
35:15There is pirate Fabe.
35:20Dread menace of the seven seas.
35:25Why do you say that?
35:27Well, haven't you heard?
35:28That's what all pirates say.
35:35Don't you just love pirate ships that are full of grub?
35:39I'll stay and watch.
35:41Go get some grub, mate.
35:43So, pirate Fabe himself will be at the helm.
35:47I'm starved.
35:48Nothing like a little pirate grub on a skewer, I always say.
