Shylesh Srianjan | Let's Explore New Technology Gadgets in Australia

  • 6 years ago
I came to the TGE (Technology and Gadget Expo) in Melbourne, Australia to look at the most recent and freshest contraptions in plain view. Entirely dreamlike occasion. Figured out how to experiment with and get eyes on astounding electric Baja rough terrain skateboards and other cool tech devices. I thought there would be more apparatus/contraptions on the show yet at the same time, it was a great lineup - everything from charming Chinese singing robots to dashing automatons and 3D virtual reality race autos.

Obviously, Tesla and other electric autos were there as well. Here's a portion of the creative exhibitors I ran over: Evolve Skateboards, Michael Blast Greaser vintage electric bikes (these things are RETRO ravishing), Exaptec robots, Baja board, FusionSkate electric sheets, Coros Frontier keen head protectors, Tesla vehicles, Hunter Scooters, Fonzarelli electric bikes (accessible in Melbourne), Adam (the distraught researcher) 3D printing (he did the stunning 3D creepy crawly)