15. Hide and Peep - US - HD

  • 6 years ago
Hide and Peep
Season 11, Episode 15
Thomas cheats at playing Hide and Peep with Percy and nearly gets his friend into trouble.

Written by Simon Spencer
Directed by Steve Asquith
Narrated by Michael Brandon
Produced by Simon Spencer

Subtitles available for the hard-of-hearing.

Thomas & Friends is owned and copyright of HiT Entertainment Limited. I own nothing. No money has, or will ever, be made from this video.
00:33The Island of Sodor is surrounded by beautiful blue sea. It has fields of green and sandy yellow beaches.
00:42There are rivers, streams and lots of trees where the birds sing. There are windmills and a coal mine and docks where visitors to the island arrive.
00:57The island also has lots and lots of railway lines.
01:03Who's that puffing down the track?
01:06It's Thomas!
01:12Hello, Thomas!
01:13"Hello, everybody! Welcome to the Island of Sodor!"
01:30Brendam Docks is a busy bustling place.
01:36There are loading bays, track and sidings and lots and lots of big warehouses. Everyone enjoys working at Brendam Docks.
01:49One day, Thomas, Percy and Cranky were all waiting for an important cargo ship to arrive. Cranky could see the ship was far away on the horizon.
01:59"The ship will be late," he told Thomas and Percy.
02:03Thomas had an idea.
02:07"Let's play a game while we wait," he puffed cheerfully.
02:10"What shall we play?" peeped Percy excitedly.
02:15"Hide and peep," tooted Thomas.
02:17It was his favorite game.
02:19"You go and hide, Percy and when I find you, I will peep loudly."
02:26"You'll never find me!" puffed Percy. "I'm the best hider ever!"
02:32"Well, I'm the best finder!" boasted Thomas.
02:35Cranky looked down at the little tank engines.
02:37"Can I play?" he asked.
02:40"You're much too tall to hide!" Thomas laughed.
02:43Cranky felt left out. So, Percy puffed away to hide.
02:50Soon, Thomas steamed off to find his friend. Thomas puffed past loading bays, steamed by sidings and wheeshed alongside warehouses, but Percy was very good at hiding and Thomas couldn't find him anywhere.
03:10Thomas puffed into a large warehouse. He thought Percy might be hiding there, but when he got inside, he couldn't see him.
03:22Suddenly, an idea flew into Thomas' funnel. He decided he would play a trick. Thomas pretended he knew where Percy was hiding, even though he didn't.
03:34"Found you!" peeped Thomas loudly.
03:37Then, he looked all around to see where Percy was hiding. Percy puffed out of his hiding place. Percy could see that Thomas hadn't really found him at all.
03:51Percy whistled loudly. Thomas was surprised.
03:56"You tricked me!" Percy puffed crossly. "You didn't know where I was at all!"
04:02Thomas felt foolish.
04:04"I'm sorry," he wheeshed.
04:06"I'll hide again!" huffed Percy. "But no more tricks!"
04:12And he chuffed quickly away. Thomas waited then he steamed off to look for Percy again.
04:23But Percy was very good at hiding and Thomas couldn't find him anywhere.
04:29"Bother!" huffed Thomas.
04:31Suddenly, another idea flew into Thomas' funnel.
04:37"I'll pretend that Sir Topham Hatt has arrived."
04:43"Percy!" tooted Thomas loudly. "Sir Topham Hatt is here!"
04:48But Sir Topham Hatt wasn't really there at all. Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Percy had been hiding at the top of the coal hopper. Thomas was surprised.
05:01"Bust my boiler!" puffed Percy. "Where is he, Thomas?"
05:05But Percy couldn't see Sir Topham Hatt anywhere.
05:10"Found you!" peeped Thomas cheekily.
05:13Percy saw that Thomas had tricked him again.
05:17"That's not fair!" he wheeshed.
05:19Thomas could see that Percy was upset.
05:22"I'm sorry," Thomas chuffed. "Hide again. This time I won't trick you."
05:26So, Percy puffed away to hide again. Thomas waited. Then, he started to look for his friend.
05:35Thomas still couldn't find him, but he did find the dockyard manager. The dockyard manager was also looking for Percy and for Thomas.
05:44"The ship has docked and Cranky is unloading the cargo. You must come and collect your deliveries," he told Thomas.
05:51Thomas peeped loudly for Percy.
05:54"Percy! The ship has docked!" he tooted.
05:59Percy heard Thomas, but he thought it was another trick. So, Percy decided to stay hidden.
06:06"Cinders and ashes!" cried Thomas. "Percy thinks I'm playing another trick!"
06:11Percy would be in trouble if he didn't collect his freight cars.
06:15"If only I hadn't tricked Percy before," tooted Thomas.
06:21He raced over to Cranky.
06:23"Where's Percy?" cranked Cranky crankily.
06:26"Percy is still hiding. I'm not a very good finder after all," Thomas wheeshed sadly.
06:34"And I'm too tall to be a good hider!" creaked Cranky.
06:38Thomas remembered that Cranky was so tall, he had seen the cargo ship far out at sea.
06:44"You may not be a good hider," tooted Thomas, "but you'd be a very good finder."
06:49Thomas asked Cranky to see if he could find where Percy was hiding.
06:54"Or Percy will get into trouble!" puffed Thomas.
06:57Cranky didn't want the little engines to get into trouble. Cranky looked easily over warehouses, across loading bays and down onto sidings. He saw where Rocky was working and there he saw Percy!
07:13"I've found him!" cranked Cranky proudly.
07:16Thomas raced over to Rocky.
07:20"Found you, Percy!" he peeped loudly.
07:22"Rattle my rods!" puffed Percy.
07:26He was very surprised.
07:28"You are the very best finder after all!" peeped Percy.
07:31"No, I'm not," Thomas puffed sadly. "I had to ask Cranky to find you. He's so tall, he could see where you were hiding."
07:40"You tricked me again!" huffed Percy.
07:43Before Percy could get cross, Thomas told him about the waiting freight cars.
07:48"It's time for our deliveries!" Thomas whistled. "We must hurry!"
07:54Together, Percy and Thomas steamed back to their freight cars. Percy was happy his friend had found him. Soon, they were ready to leave.
08:05"Thank you, Cranky!" Thomas chuffed loudly. "You are the best finder!"
08:10Cranky was very pleased.
08:13"And, Percy," Thomas puffed to his friend, "you are the best hider ever!"
08:18And the two friends steamed happily away.
09:40Subtitles by TTTEpisodes
