World leaders gathering for the UN General Assembly

  • 6 years ago
Along with President Moon, other world leaders are starting to arrive in New York City for the UN General Assembly.
One of the highlights of the Assembly, on the 25th, will be the General Debate.
Hong Yoo reports.
Amid a rise in unilateralism in international affairs, global leaders will present their stances on and solutions to a range of issues, including North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, conflict in the Middle East and global warming.

The 73rd session of the General Assembly will start on Monday with a high-level plenary meeting on global peace in honor of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, known as the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit.

The UN General Assembly brings together representatives from the 193 member states plus those from the Vatican, Palestine and the EU.
Tuesday's General Debate will involve 133 of them.
In the debate, a country's leader or foreign minister gives a keynote speech with a message that they would like to emphasize, regardless of subject.

The number of participants has increased by 19 from last year, something the Secretary General Antonio Guterres said shows the trust global society has in the UN.
But there are others that say it's because of the growing concern about the confusion in world affairs.

Keeping with tradition, the President of Brazil will speak first on Tuesday the 25th.
U.S. President Donald Trump will go second and South Korean President Moon Jae-in will give a speech the following day.

Attention is focused on what President Trump will say about North Korea, considering the rather conciliatory approach he's taken recently.
But whatever he says, it's expected that he'll stick to the theme of "America First."
French President Emmanuel Macron is likely to stand opposite Trump in defense of multilateralism.
Iranian President Hassan Rohani is also expected to criticize the U.S. for withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.
Hong Yoo, Arirang News.