• 7 years ago
BbyMutha is the mother a lot of us wish we had but probably couldn't handle. While in NYC, BbyMutha stopped by to answer life's most difficult questions on The FADER's Would You Rather. This week's questions include:

1. Always step on Legos vs. Never be able to get a babysitter again
2. Know when you're going to die vs. Know how you're going to die
3. Have another set of twins vs. Marry Joel Osteen
4. Make an album with Trina vs. Make an album with Lil Kim
5. Fight 1 elephant-sized bat vs. Fight 10 bat-sized elephants


Trina image courtesy of: Brad Barket/Stringer for Getty Images
Lil Kim image courtesy of: Maury Phillips/Stringer for Getty Images

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