• 7 years ago
Approved | 1h 2min | Drama , Horror | November 1939 (USA)

A prison trustee rescues a despondent executioner from a bar-room brawl, and is blamed for the fight by a tabloid reporter who actually started it, and loses parole, becomes embittered, and gets blamed for murder of guard.

Director: Victor Halperin

Writers: William A. Ullman Jr. (story), George Bricker (screenplay)

Stars: Beverly Roberts, Robert Wilcox, Paul McVey
00:01:05And now for a grim note in today's news.
00:01:08Promptly at 8 o'clock tonight, killer Joe Raczynski will walk his last mile on earth
00:01:13and will pay his debt to society in the electric chair of the state penitentiary.
00:01:17Last-minute efforts on the part of Raczynski's attorney to obtain executive clemency have failed.
00:01:23Raczynski, you will recall, was convicted for the brutal murders of three women.
00:01:27His capture brought to an end a wave of terror which aroused the entire metropolis.
00:01:32In addition to the three killings of which he was convicted,
00:01:35Raczynski was declared by police to have been responsible for many other murderous attacks on women.
00:01:41Tonight, the law of the state, which demands an eye for an eye, will end the career of killer Raczynski.
00:01:48In the death chamber of the state's prison, executioner Ernest Matthews will throw the switch
00:01:54which will jolt the slayer into eternity.
00:01:59Why are you all staring at me?
00:02:02You don't need to tell me. I know what you're thinking.
00:02:05Sure, I know. I'm going to kill a man tonight.
00:02:08For $250, I'm going to throw a switch and jolt a man into eternity, just like that guy said.
00:02:14And you're, you're thinking, all three of you are thinking
00:02:17that I'm just as much a murderer as the man I'm going to kill.
00:02:19Take it easy, Ernie. Public sentiment's all on your side.
00:02:23The whole state is waiting for Raczynski's execution. Isn't it, Ward?
00:02:26Sure, get a grip on yourself. After all, it isn't you who does the killing.
00:02:29Sure, I know. It isn't me. It's the state.
00:02:32That's what you were going to say, wasn't it, Ward?
00:02:34Well, that's the truth, Ernie. You're doing a job for the state, just like I am, just like all of us are.
00:02:39Here, have a cigarette. It'll make you feel better.
00:02:42Thanks, Bob. I guess you're right.
00:02:45We've all got jobs. Even I are ahead.
00:02:49He gives them a dose of religion, calms them down.
00:02:53I send them on their way.
00:02:55Then you listen with your stethoscope and pronounce them officially gone.
00:03:01And the warden signs the certificate.
00:03:05Just one big happy family, aren't we?
00:03:08You've got to stop this, Ernie. You must get hold of yourself or quit.
00:03:12Oh, you think so, do you?
00:03:15You think I ought to quit my job, huh?
00:03:17Come on, aren't you? Got the whole thing figured out.
00:03:20Listen, Ira, you stick to your work and forget about me.
00:03:26Excuse me, gentlemen. I've got to tune up my machinery.
00:03:31There can't be any slips when the state puts on a show.
00:03:40I'm worried about Ernie.
00:03:42I wouldn't worry about him too much. He always puts on an act like this.
00:03:46Somehow it didn't seem like an act today.
00:03:50I hope nothing goes wrong.
00:03:53I hope nothing goes wrong.
00:03:56Don't you worry, warden.
00:03:58When the time comes, Ernie will step right up there and throw that switch just like it's all in the day's work.
00:04:06Come in.
00:04:10Warden, the reports are on their way up.
00:04:12All right.
00:04:14Oh, and Johnny, you know the rules.
00:04:17Have Sullivan put you in your cell before the execution.
00:04:21I understand.
00:04:27Hello, warden. Hello, doc.
00:04:29Hi, Chaplain.
00:04:30Well, what news have you got?
00:04:32What did the killer order for his last meal?
00:04:34What message did he send to his poor old mother, Ernie, huh?
00:04:38Is there anything to say he didn't order anything special, didn't seem to care?
00:04:41His mother died when he was a child.
00:04:43Oh, isn't that a shame.
00:04:45Well, he can give her the message in person, huh, Chaplain, when he crosses over.
00:04:48I think I'll run along over to the hospital and pick up my things.
00:04:51It's about that time.
00:04:52Yes, it's about time.
00:04:54You know what?
00:04:55This is one party I've been looking forward to.
00:04:58A guy going around slugging women ought to get here.
00:05:06You know, I'm not a thrill out of these tools anymore.
00:05:08Don't you get sick on me again. Come on.
00:05:18Hello, Joan.
00:05:20Hello, Bob.
00:05:22Everything's ready?
00:05:23Yes, everything's ready for the party.
00:05:25I don't know how to get you, Joan.
00:05:27I've just had a session with Ernie.
00:05:29He's raving again.
00:05:30Is he all right?
00:05:31Oh, yes, he'll go through with it all right.
00:05:33He just likes to feel sorry for himself.
00:05:35He's that type.
00:05:37Yes, Joan?
00:05:39Don't these things ever get under your skin?
00:05:41I don't know, Bob.
00:05:42I don't know.
00:05:43I don't know.
00:05:44I don't know.
00:05:45I don't know.
00:05:46Don't these things ever get under your skin, too?
00:05:49Yes, they do.
00:05:50But I try not to show it.
00:05:52So do I.
00:05:53But it's awfully hard sometimes.
00:05:55Sitting here watching the clock,
00:05:57knowing that a man is about to die.
00:06:04Joan, you've got to stop thinking about it that way.
00:06:06You've got to.
00:06:07This man that's going to die tonight,
00:06:09he's killed three women, possibly more.
00:06:11He deserves what he's getting.
00:06:14Steady, dear.
00:06:16That's just Andy testing the dynamo.
00:06:18I know, Andy.
00:06:19Bob, it just scares me.
00:06:22You don't belong in a prison.
00:06:24You belong with flowers and sunshine,
00:06:26not steel and stone and concrete.
00:06:29I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:06:31When I get back from my vacation,
00:06:33we'll get out of here, both of us.
00:06:35I'd even start practicing in a small town
00:06:37if you'd go with me.
00:06:39What do you say?
00:06:40I can't say anything yet.
00:06:42I love you, Joan.
00:06:44You know that.
00:06:45I believe you, Bob.
00:06:47But I won't marry until I'm sure.
00:06:49It wouldn't be fair if things didn't work out.
00:06:52You know, I'm either going to be a nurse or a wife.
00:06:56It's all or nothing.
00:06:58Please don't think I'm a romantic little fool
00:07:00talking like this.
00:07:01I don't.
00:07:02I think you're a darling.
00:07:07Johnny's going to drive me to the airport.
00:07:09Johnny's going to drive me to the airport
00:07:11after it's over.
00:07:13Do you want to go with me?
00:07:15Yes, of course.
00:07:39Hey, Johnny.
00:07:42Maybe you'll have flowers soon.
00:07:46Gee, I'd like to have a lot of them.
00:07:48I'd like to fill the whole place with them.
00:07:55What you thinking about, Johnny?
00:07:57Same thing everybody around here
00:07:59is thinking about on a night like this.
00:08:01I'll bet you no guard could put me in a chair.
00:08:04I'm strong.
00:08:06I'm strong.
00:08:10Did you ever see it, Johnny?
00:08:13Did you?
00:08:15Did you?
00:08:16Sure, he's seen everything in this dirt.
00:08:18He's the warden's pet.
00:08:20You shut up.
00:08:22Nobody was asking you.
00:08:25I was asking Johnny.
00:08:28I'm Big Billy.
00:08:30Johnny's my pal.
00:08:33Come a little closer to the bars and say that.
00:08:35Come on.
00:08:37Just close enough so I get my hands on your neck.
00:08:40I'm strong.
00:08:42I'm Big Billy.
00:08:44I'll make you pop.
00:08:46Call him my pal, I think.
00:08:48Go on, you big rum-gum.
00:08:49Let him alone, Billy.
00:08:55He called you a pig.
00:08:57I came to think, what is he?
00:08:59Drive the warden's car and serve him the warden's table.
00:09:01Go on, get him to tell you what he is.
00:09:04Well, I'm smart enough to know, Fife,
00:09:06that being tougher on a place like this gets you nothing.
00:09:08Of course, my case is a little different than yours.
00:09:10I'm coming out for a parole in a couple of weeks.
00:09:12And in about three months, I'll be getting out of here.
00:09:14And I won't be coming back.
00:09:16Let's see now.
00:09:19The judge threw about 50 years at you, didn't he?
00:09:22Let's get you out of here in 1990.
00:09:25Maybe I'll be seeing you around.
00:09:27You ain't only a pig, but you're a...
00:09:29Why don't you guys pipe down?
00:09:31How can a fellow improve his reputation?
00:09:33How can a fellow improve his mind
00:09:35with you yammering your head's off?
00:09:37Ah! Improving his mind with a guy in a death house
00:09:39waiting to be knocked over.
00:09:42What do you want me to do?
00:09:44Get out the crying towel for...
00:09:47A woman killer?
00:09:51Woman killer.
00:09:55May the almighty and merciful Lord
00:09:57grant us pardon,
00:10:01forgiveness of our sins.
00:10:17Okay, Ted, ready?
00:10:31Forgive us our debts
00:10:33as we forgive our debtors.
00:10:35Lead us not into temptation
00:10:37but deliver us from evil.
00:10:49The Lord is my shepherd,
00:10:51I shall not want him.
00:10:53He maketh me lie down
00:10:55in green pastures.
00:10:57He leadeth me into the fields
00:10:59He leadeth me beside
00:11:01still waters.
00:11:03He restoreth my soul.
00:11:05He leadeth me
00:11:07into the paths of righteousness
00:11:09for his name's sake.
00:11:29The Lord is my shepherd,
00:11:31I shall not want him.
00:11:33He leadeth me into the fields
00:11:35He leadeth me beside
00:11:37still waters.
00:11:39He leadeth me into the paths
00:11:41of righteousness
00:11:43for his name's sake.
00:11:45One of these days I'm going to write an article on capital punishment for one of the national negligence.
00:11:49But my experience...
00:11:51Cut it out, William.
00:11:53The execution's over.
00:11:55Has been for an hour.
00:11:57Can't you think of something else to talk about?
00:11:59Sorry, honey, I didn't mean to talk.
00:12:01Shut up.
00:12:03Oh, forget it.
00:12:05I'm going to write an article
00:12:07on capital punishment
00:12:09for one of the national negligence.
00:12:11But my experience...
00:12:14Oh, forget it.
00:12:16Hello, everybody.
00:12:18Hello, John.
00:12:20Well, now that the evening's work is over, I'm off on my vacation.
00:12:22I envy you, Bob.
00:12:24You should. Just think of it.
00:12:26A whole month of Bermuda. Golf, fishing.
00:12:28Boys, I'm going to have myself a time.
00:12:30You think this doctor that's filling in for you while you're gone is all right?
00:12:32Oh, perfect.
00:12:34With John here to show him the ropes,
00:12:36he can't make a mistake.
00:12:38You're lucky. I wish I could find a substitute.
00:12:40I'd go away for a year.
00:12:46See you tomorrow, Gordon.
00:12:48Right. Have a good time.
00:12:50I will.
00:12:52Keep feeding them religion.
00:12:54They won't need so many pills.
00:12:56I'll do that, Bob. Enjoy yourself.
00:13:00Ernie, I don't know what to tell you.
00:13:02You don't have another assignment
00:13:04for a couple of months.
00:13:06Oh, yes, I have.
00:13:08I've got an assignment for tonight.
00:13:10Do a little drinking at the town tavern.
00:13:12They're dropping me off.
00:13:14How about it, Joan? Do you mind if I tag along?
00:13:16I've got a lot of nasty thoughts
00:13:18I want to leave in an empty bottle.
00:13:20Of course not, Ernie.
00:13:22I know exactly how you feel.
00:13:24I wonder...
00:13:26I wonder if anyone really knows how I feel.
00:13:28Well, let's be going.
00:13:34Good night.
00:13:36I never thought you were going to lose
00:13:38a doctor in this one of these days, Ernie.
00:13:40I'm afraid you're right, Jim.
00:13:42Say, what is this?
00:13:44You sound like old man Bloom.
00:13:46Perhaps I do.
00:13:48But there's a reason for it.
00:13:50Would it surprise you
00:13:52to know that I'm in love
00:13:54with Joan myself?
00:13:58In my business, nothing surprises me.
00:14:00You ever told Joan about it?
00:14:04And probably never will
00:14:06as long as she shows a preference for Bob.
00:14:08And then there's Ernie to be considered.
00:14:12You don't mean to tell me that he's in love with her, too?
00:14:16He told me months ago
00:14:18the only reason he remains here
00:14:20is so he can be near Joan.
00:14:24Am I running a prison
00:14:26or a lonely hearts club?
00:14:28It's nice of you two
00:14:30to drop me by the village restaurant.
00:14:32Oh, that's all right, Ernie.
00:14:34Glad to do it.
00:14:36You think it's such a good idea?
00:14:38What do you mean, such a good idea?
00:14:40Oh, drowning your sorrows.
00:14:42I'm positive, my dear.
00:14:44I assure you the relief
00:14:46will only be temporary.
00:14:48Tomorrow I'll probably have an acute case
00:14:50of a jitters, during which I'll see
00:14:52my entire clientele
00:14:54parading before me in an accusing
00:14:58And then
00:15:01until evening I'll sober up
00:15:03and start looking forward
00:15:05to my next rendezvous
00:15:07with a grim rapist.
00:15:09Stop it, Ernie.
00:15:11You're talking like a crazy man.
00:15:13Well, maybe I am crazy.
00:15:15You know, I once talked with a psychiatrist
00:15:17at a murder trial
00:15:19and he told me that the line of demarcation
00:15:21between sanity and insanity
00:15:23is almost
00:15:25an intangible thread.
00:15:31Well, thanks
00:15:33for the lift.
00:15:35Have a swell vacation, Doc.
00:15:37See you tomorrow, John.
00:15:39If I can still see.
00:15:47I wish you were going with me, Joan.
00:15:49With Mrs. Lee.
00:15:51Well, I'll take a rain check
00:15:53on that proposition, mister.
00:15:55Maybe we can make the same trip some time in the future.
00:15:57Okay. But don't make it
00:15:59too long.
00:16:01Say, Doctor. Yes, Johnny.
00:16:03Mind if I ask you a couple of questions about a pal of mine?
00:16:05Oh, right ahead.
00:16:07Well, this guy sleeps in the same cell as me.
00:16:09They call him Big Billy.
00:16:11Oh, yes. I know the man. What about him?
00:16:13Well, he's been acting and talking
00:16:15kind of funny lately.
00:16:17I don't know just how to explain it to you, but
00:16:19well, he reminds me of a guy in a book
00:16:21I read before I came up here.
00:16:23The guy in the book had a pal, too.
00:16:25Only they weren't in prison. They were a couple of farmhands
00:16:27out west someplace.
00:16:29And all the time this big goof, the guy like Billy,
00:16:31was getting into jams and
00:16:33kept his pal busy getting him out of them.
00:16:35And one day the big goof killed the dame,
00:16:37although he didn't mean to.
00:16:39And his pal couldn't get him out of that kind of a jam,
00:16:41so there was nothing left for him to do
00:16:43but shoot the big guy because he didn't want to see him hurt.
00:16:45Know the book I'm talking about, Doc?
00:16:47Yes, I've read it.
00:16:49But what's that got to do with Big Billy?
00:16:51Maybe nothing at all.
00:16:53Only I got a feeling that Big Billy's gonna
00:16:55get a little loose someday and cause a lot of trouble.
00:16:57He's just a great big farmer boy
00:16:59and being cramped up in stirs is getting him.
00:17:01He belongs out on the prison farm.
00:17:03Work his head off out there.
00:17:05He loves the animals. They wouldn't torment him.
00:17:07I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:17:09When I get back from Bermuda,
00:17:11you'll remind me.
00:17:13And I'll see what I can do with the warden about getting him transferred.
00:17:15Thanks, Doc.
00:17:17You're a great guy.
00:17:19I'll try to keep him out of trouble till you get back.
00:17:25I'm gonna miss you, Joan.
00:17:29I'll miss you, too, Bob.
00:17:31You're supposed to be all right for me to stop
00:17:33and pick Ernie up on my way back.
00:17:35Stop for Ernie?
00:17:37Yeah, I'm worried about him. You know the way he's feeling?
00:17:39I'm afraid he'll drink too much and do something foolish.
00:17:41Ernie'd never do anything foolish.
00:17:43We'll see about that.
00:17:45I'll see about that.
00:17:47I'll see about that.
00:17:49I'll see about that.
00:17:51I'll see about that.
00:17:53Ernie'd never do anything foolish.
00:17:55Worse he'd do if he did get a snootful.
00:17:57Well, I think I'll stop for him just to see.
00:17:59I hope you don't think I'm being stubborn.
00:18:01No, go ahead.
00:18:03I ought to be jealous, though.
00:18:05Here I am, the man that's proposed to you nine times,
00:18:07about to go away for a whole month.
00:18:09And you give all your thoughts to a man that goes around
00:18:11killing people for a living.
00:18:13Careful, Doctor.
00:18:15I've heard the same crap made about certain members of the medical profession.
00:18:17You will.
00:18:20Goodbye, Doctor.
00:18:22Goodbye, Johnny.
00:18:26Goodbye, Bob.
00:18:28Have a good time.
00:18:44Yes, sir, if you ask me,
00:18:46it was a very quiet little killing party.
00:18:48Very quiet.
00:18:50Nothing like the hanging I once covered.
00:18:52It was a woman, too.
00:18:54Oh, shut up, Manning.
00:18:56You ought to get an assignment covering a slaughterhouse.
00:18:58Don't tell me to shut up.
00:19:00Since I've been on this newspaper racket,
00:19:02I've covered
00:19:04fifty legal hangs.
00:19:06Some of them were pips, too.
00:19:08I once caught a double feature.
00:19:10Two guys at the same time.
00:19:12Boy, you should have got a load of that.
00:19:14It took six guards to handle each one of them.
00:19:16Let's have a little drink, baby.
00:19:20Look who's coming.
00:19:22Death, taking a holiday.
00:19:24Mr. Matthews.
00:19:26Mr. Executioner.
00:19:28Come on up and have a drink.
00:19:30I was just making some
00:19:32very pertinent observations
00:19:34and then your profession.
00:19:36Come on, have a drink.
00:19:38Listen, you can't ignore me just because you're deaf.
00:19:40Leave him alone, Manning.
00:19:42Yeah, what are you, hopping off?
00:19:44Yeah, what are you hopping on him for?
00:19:46Cut it out, he'll be thinking we're all like you.
00:19:48Heaven forbid.
00:19:50Sure, I'll leave him alone when he says something.
00:19:52All right.
00:19:54Don't try to be the strong man.
00:19:56I'll say something.
00:19:58You're all a bunch of crawling vermin.
00:20:00You vultures.
00:20:02Why do you come here to see a man die?
00:20:06You don't have to.
00:20:08Nobody makes you stare at...
00:20:12Well, we don't
00:20:14like you either, Mr. Sanctimonious
00:20:18And I'll show you how little we like you.
00:20:22cut that out, you guys.
00:20:24You can't do that in here.
00:20:26What are you trying to do, give the place a bad name?
00:20:42I'll bring him right out, Mr. Jones.
00:21:04Hey, you cut it out.
00:21:06I said cut it out.
00:21:08I said cut it out.
00:21:11Hey, you cut it out, you fellas.
00:21:13Somebody's going to get hurt.
00:21:25Get out of here.
00:21:27The car's outside.
00:21:41Penny, what happened?
00:21:43How did it start?
00:21:45Well, I was doing a little drinking
00:21:47and that reporter Manning
00:21:49got nasty.
00:21:51All of a sudden there was a fight
00:21:53and I guess I was in for a shellacking.
00:21:59And then Johnny came along and...
00:22:01Hey, Johnny!
00:22:19What's the matter, Johnny?
00:22:27It's his neck.
00:22:29He's been cut.
00:22:33Tell me to get him to the backseat.
00:22:35I've got to get him to the hospital.
00:22:39Come on.
00:23:09What happened?
00:23:11You got hurt.
00:23:13You told me I let one of those guys
00:23:15tag me with a sucker punch.
00:23:17No, I don't think so.
00:23:19You were cut.
00:23:21Oh, yeah. I remember now.
00:23:23The guy with the bottle.
00:23:25Must have nicked me.
00:23:27Don't talk now. Keep quiet.
00:23:31It's good for me.
00:23:33Come on, Manning.
00:23:35Ten bucks. Kick in for the repairs.
00:23:37All right.
00:23:39I'm being wrong.
00:23:41You guys saw that killer slug me?
00:23:43Here you are, Al.
00:23:45Thirty bucks.
00:23:47And that covers the damage we did.
00:23:49That pays for everything, boys.
00:23:51To show you I'm a regular guy, I'll buy a drink.
00:23:53That's a deal.
00:23:55Say, Al.
00:23:57Now that we're pals again,
00:23:59who was that guy that busted up the fight?
00:24:01Drives car for the warden.
00:24:03He couldn't buy any chance
00:24:05to your convict, could he?
00:24:07Well, he's a trustee.
00:24:09A trustee?
00:24:11Well, suppose he is. That kid's all right.
00:24:13Well, he said just then.
00:24:15I don't know what you guys
00:24:17are going to do, but I'm going to get my ten dollars
00:24:19back with interest.
00:24:21I've been gunning for this governor
00:24:23for a long time.
00:24:25So it's right up my alley.
00:24:29How does this sound for a headline?
00:24:31State execution of drunk.
00:24:33Starts brawl.
00:24:35Warden's convict chauffeur attacks
00:24:37newspaper man.
00:24:39Oh, you turn my stomach.
00:24:41Am I going to have fun?
00:24:43If that trustee ever comes up
00:24:45for a parole,
00:24:47he'll be an old man with a long white beard
00:24:49before I ever let him get out of the jug.
00:24:57Good morning, Johnny. How's the neck?
00:24:59Kind of feels like Joe Louis hit me a rabbit punch
00:25:02or something.
00:25:04Well, that's only natural. You got cut pretty badly.
00:25:06Open your mouth.
00:25:12It's been a long time for everybody to die.
00:25:14What are you trying to say?
00:25:18I said it's been a long time since anyone did that.
00:25:20Did what?
00:25:22Held my hand.
00:25:24Don't get me wrong, Miss Jones.
00:25:26I didn't mean to get fresh.
00:25:28It's just that
00:25:30after being in a place like this for three years,
00:25:32it starts you thinking about
00:25:34things that happened before.
00:25:36Maybe you don't get what I mean.
00:25:38I think I do, Johnny.
00:25:44Thanks for not getting sore.
00:25:48You better sit up a bit.
00:25:50I want to look at that bandage.
00:25:56How'd you ever happen to get in here, Johnny?
00:25:58Just one of those things.
00:26:00Maybe I ought to tell you
00:26:02I took a rap I didn't deserve.
00:26:04But I won't.
00:26:06I'd be talking just like the rest of the mugs up here if I did.
00:26:08Let's just say I had a little hard luck.
00:26:12From the time I was a kid down on the east side,
00:26:14I was always the one the cops caught up with.
00:26:16Well, you'll have another chance
00:26:18to make good when you get out of here, won't you?
00:26:20Sure, I guess so.
00:26:22If I keep my nose clean.
00:26:24And maybe you don't think I'm not going to try.
00:26:26It's true with me, isn't it?
00:26:28There'll be a bank stick up, and I'll be standing
00:26:30on some corner a mile away, and bang,
00:26:32John Law will have me.
00:26:34It's always been that way.
00:26:36Well, your philosophy's slightly cockeyed, Johnny,
00:26:38but I like the way you carry your chin.
00:26:40My chin?
00:26:42Oh, yeah, I get it.
00:26:44You mean I'm always leading with it, don't you, Joan?
00:26:46I'm sorry, I meant Miss Joan.
00:26:48Always talking out of turn, that's me.
00:26:50Well, that's all right this morning.
00:26:52Lie back on the pillow.
00:26:54You know, you're swell.
00:26:56You're not getting sore when a con caught you
00:26:58by your first night.
00:27:00I can't figure you out at all.
00:27:02Well, that makes you neutral.
00:27:04The angle I can't figure is,
00:27:06why do you stick around a joint like this?
00:27:08Now, me, I stay because I have to,
00:27:10but you're free to go.
00:27:12Why do you stay?
00:27:14I'll tell you a secret, Johnny.
00:27:16I haven't figured out the answer to that one myself.
00:27:24You've certainly managed
00:27:26to mess things up, Ernie.
00:27:28Listen to this.
00:27:30State execution of drunk starts brawl.
00:27:32Warden's convict chauffeur attacks reporter.
00:27:34Prison investigation demanded.
00:27:36Those are just the headlines.
00:27:38Here are a few choice things
00:27:40from his story.
00:27:42Our state's prison is a country club.
00:27:44Warden James Henderson
00:27:46is a swell guider with convicts.
00:27:48Drunken orgies are common
00:27:50following executions.
00:27:53Convicts are allowed to roam
00:27:55free in the village.
00:27:57Lawlessness reigns supreme.
00:27:59That guy Manning
00:28:01ought to be writing fiction.
00:28:03Fiction or no fiction,
00:28:05his story has had to cause a lot of trouble.
00:28:07You can have my resignation, Jim.
00:28:09Oh, confounded,
00:28:11I don't want your resignation.
00:28:13That would only make matters worse.
00:28:15You can see the headlines now.
00:28:17State execution of quits under fire.
00:28:19No, Ernie,
00:28:21you've got to stick and fight.
00:28:25What strikes you so funny?
00:28:27Me, Matthews,
00:28:29fighting for my scurvy job.
00:28:31What did the other paper say about last night?
00:28:33They didn't touch it.
00:28:35They just printed a few routine execution stories.
00:28:37Which ought to prove to you
00:28:39that this whole thing was cooked up
00:28:41by Manning for personal revenge.
00:28:43There's no doubt about it.
00:28:45But Manning's outfit has been looking for a chance
00:28:47to hop in the present administration
00:28:49Warden Henderson speaking.
00:28:53Oh, put him on.
00:28:55Here comes trouble.
00:28:57It's the governor.
00:28:59Good morning, Governor.
00:29:01Yes, I read it.
00:29:03But the charges are ridiculous.
00:29:05No truth in them at all.
00:29:07Certainly I'm positive.
00:29:09Of course,
00:29:11if you feel that an investigation
00:29:13is absolutely necessary,
00:29:15I'll be willing to meet before
00:29:17any board you name.
00:29:19All right.
00:29:21I'll be there. Goodbye.
00:29:23What's it look like?
00:29:25A conference with the governor and the attorney general.
00:29:31get my car out of the gate. I'm leaving for the Capitol right away.
00:29:35you can have my resignation if it'll help.
00:29:37Oh, forget it.
00:29:39After I explain things,
00:29:41the governor will understand.
00:29:43After all, this job of mine is a reward
00:29:45for helping to elect him.
00:29:47That ought to make sense.
00:29:49But now listen, Jim.
00:29:51I wouldn't want anything to happen to Johnny Martin.
00:29:53Not after the way he stepped in to help me.
00:29:55Don't worry.
00:29:57Do you think I'm going to see them break Johnny
00:29:59just because a reporter on a scandal sheet
00:30:01wants a bit of personal satisfaction?
00:30:03No way.
00:30:09Well, that's settled.
00:30:11Everything except one thing.
00:30:14Johnny Martin.
00:30:16What about Johnny Martin? It wasn't his fault.
00:30:18I understand that.
00:30:20If we're going to hush this thing up,
00:30:22why, you'd better keep him under wraps.
00:30:24Oh, wait a minute.
00:30:26That boy comes up for parole in a couple of weeks
00:30:28with my recommendation.
00:30:30I know that.
00:30:32But you know how things stand.
00:30:34It's got to be just that way.
00:30:36There's got to be a delay.
00:30:38We can't parole him just now.
00:30:40He's too hot.
00:30:42It's just a delay.
00:30:44Maybe a year or so, but not now.
00:30:46A year or so?
00:30:48Listen, Charlie, you can't do that.
00:30:50When the board meets, I'm recommending Johnny's parole
00:30:52just as I'd planned.
00:30:54Wait a minute, Jim.
00:30:56You've had plenty to say today
00:30:58and we've listened.
00:31:00We want to play ball with you, but there's a limit.
00:31:02I won't
00:31:04risk any more criticism of the press
00:31:06because of your soft heart.
00:31:08Or head.
00:31:10Martin shouldn't come up
00:31:12for parole at this setting.
00:31:14I won't jeopardize the party
00:31:16for you or any one of your prisoners.
00:31:18After all, Martin
00:31:20is only one of 10,000 other men
00:31:22we have in our various institutions.
00:31:24Listen, Henry.
00:31:26I mean it, Jim.
00:31:28The matter's closed as far as I'm concerned.
00:31:30But that doesn't go for me.
00:31:32I'll be there with Martin when the parole board meets.
00:31:40It's bad, very bad.
00:31:42Yes, and it's all my fault.
00:31:44Oh, I wish I'd given up this killing business
00:31:46before I even ever started it.
00:31:48I guess I'm just
00:31:50hard luck for everybody.
00:31:52Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Ernie.
00:31:54It's Johnny we've got to think of now.
00:31:56Can you suggest
00:31:58anything else?
00:32:02Not much.
00:32:04We're certain of one thing.
00:32:06Jim and Ernie will do their best
00:32:08to start the hearing.
00:32:10But in the meantime, he should be prepared
00:32:12for the shock, just in case he's turned down.
00:32:14Johnny's apt
00:32:16to be bitter if that happens.
00:32:18Very bitter.
00:32:20Someone should talk to him a great deal
00:32:22before the day of the hearing.
00:32:24Well, that makes sense.
00:32:26Spend a lot of time with him, Ira.
00:32:28You're the one to do it.
00:32:30No, no, I'm not the one.
00:32:32Johnny's a very wise boy.
00:32:34If I came to him with a buildup
00:32:36and he were let down, he'd sense there was something in the air
00:32:38and that would only make things worse.
00:32:40That gets us nowhere.
00:32:42Unless Joan
00:32:44undertakes the job.
00:32:48Yes, you could do it.
00:32:50Since Johnny's been in the hospital, you've talked to him a lot, haven't you?
00:32:54Well, talk to him some more.
00:32:56There are things a woman can convey to a man like Johnny
00:32:58that he'd ignore
00:33:00if they came from a man.
00:33:02Do it.
00:33:05Thank you, Joan.
00:33:07Of course, I'll try.
00:33:15Do you think she can get him in the frame of mind to take it?
00:33:17She'll succeed if anyone can.
00:33:19Well, how was the bathing today?
00:33:21Well, just parking here in bed
00:33:23and seeing you a couple of times a day,
00:33:25tops with me.
00:33:27Johnny, it's not going to get you anywhere.
00:33:29You're checking out of here tomorrow.
00:33:31Now isn't that life for you?
00:33:33Just when things start to break, bang,
00:33:35someone sucks you.
00:33:37Well, it's funny to take the surprise
00:33:39of someone who doesn't even know you.
00:33:41Well, it's funny to take the surprise
00:33:43of someone who doesn't even know you.
00:33:45Well, it's funny to take the surprise
00:33:47Well, it's funny to take the shocks of a smile
00:33:49that really counts, Johnny.
00:33:51Sure. Sure, I know all that Pollyanna stuff.
00:33:53But I've had my share of socks, see?
00:33:55From now on,
00:33:57it's Johnny Martin that does the sucking.
00:34:03I get my parole
00:34:05in just about ten days,
00:34:07and in three months, I walk out of this place
00:34:09a free man.
00:34:11Lean forward a little bit, will you?
00:34:13I think I've got it. Will you listen?
00:34:19Do you mind looking over there?
00:34:24It's funny, but
00:34:26I'm glad I got in that scrap.
00:34:28Of course, I'd seen you around,
00:34:30but being in here
00:34:32and having you talk to me,
00:34:34I almost thought you were my pal.
00:34:36And I want to tell you that when I get out of here,
00:34:38I'm not going to forget how swell you've been.
00:34:40Not for a minute.
00:34:42But I haven't done anything.
00:34:45Oh, yes, you have.
00:34:47I won't say this again, see?
00:34:49I wouldn't have the nerve to.
00:34:51In here, I'm kind of brave.
00:34:53So, I want to tell you
00:34:55that I've got to have something to work for.
00:34:57A guy's got to have somebody to bring a bacon home to.
00:34:59Maybe you won't like it,
00:35:01but I sort of figured
00:35:03I could do it for you.
00:35:05By doing good outside, I mean.
00:35:07You see,
00:35:09I guess I kind of love you.
00:35:11I know I shouldn't be saying these things to you,
00:35:13but I just can't help it.
00:35:15I won't bother you, Joan.
00:35:17I just want to think I'm working for you.
00:35:19Kind of a game, see?
00:35:21Oh, Johnny.
00:35:25Hey, you shouldn't.
00:35:27Why are you crying?
00:35:29Oh, I didn't mean to say anything wrong, Joan.
00:35:31Honest, I didn't.
00:35:33Just that...
00:35:35Oh, I thought you'd like to know.
00:35:37Please stop crying.
00:35:40Don't mind me.
00:35:42I'm just being silly.
00:35:44I'm glad you told me.
00:35:46It makes me very proud and very happy.
00:35:50women often cry when they're happy.
00:35:52Didn't you know that?
00:35:56Sure, I know what you're talking about.
00:35:58Once when I was a kid, Ma brought me home a bugle once.
00:36:00Oh, it was a lulu.
00:36:02It had a gold cord and all shiny.
00:36:04Like a dope, I bawled.
00:36:06You see, I couldn't play it.
00:36:08You see, I couldn't play it.
00:36:10Boy, was I happy.
00:36:16Oh, Johnny, you're so sweet.
00:36:22Well, maybe if things work out,
00:36:24it won't have to be a game.
00:36:34Come in.
00:36:38Oh, Joan.
00:36:42Ira, I...
00:36:44What's the matter?
00:36:46It's Johnny.
00:36:48What's wrong with Johnny?
00:36:50There's nothing wrong with him.
00:36:52I just don't know how to tell you.
00:36:54I love him.
00:37:00You love Johnny?
00:37:04Are you sure?
00:37:06I was never sure of anything
00:37:08in my life.
00:37:12Oh, Ira, what happens now?
00:37:14What happens now?
00:37:16The best thing that could
00:37:18possibly happen to Johnny.
00:37:20If his parole is refused,
00:37:22you can help him make the best of it.
00:37:24But if he gets it...
00:37:28two people in love ask no odds
00:37:30of life, do they?
00:37:32Then you don't think I'm wrong to love him even...
00:37:36No, Joan.
00:37:38You're not wrong.
00:37:40Your heart would tell you if you were.
00:37:42Well, thanks.
00:37:44I needed someone
00:37:46to tell me that.
00:37:52You're very kind.
00:38:04Gee, Mr. Henderson,
00:38:06I've been looking forward to this trip for a long time.
00:38:08I know you have, Johnny.
00:38:10It sort of makes me feel good all over,
00:38:12knowing I'm going to get my ticket to be outside.
00:38:14And have I got plans.
00:38:16Aren't you a little afraid to make plans
00:38:18before your parole?
00:38:20Afraid of what?
00:38:22My record's clean, isn't it?
00:38:24You're recommending my ticket, aren't you?
00:38:26Yes, yes, Johnny.
00:38:28Good sense, Mr. Henderson.
00:38:30I'm sure you'll like it.
00:38:32Good sense, Mr. Henderson.
00:38:34Mortal sense!
00:38:36It's a lie, Mr. Henderson.
00:38:38Guy's lying!
00:38:40Before we proceed further with this hearing,
00:38:42I must insist that the applicant leave the room.
00:38:44Shall I leave, warden?
00:38:46Yeah, do as he says.
00:38:55Now, Mr. Garrity,
00:38:57you were saying that the convict, Martin,
00:38:59was intoxicated on the night of the fight.
00:39:02He was drunk,
00:39:04if I ever seen a drunk man.
00:39:06And I've seen a lot of them.
00:39:08Just a moment, Mr. Chairman.
00:39:10You will sit down, Mr. Matthews,
00:39:12until called upon by the board.
00:39:14But I insist on being heard.
00:39:16This man is lying.
00:39:18I ought to know I was there.
00:39:20The board has been informed that you were there, Mr. Matthews.
00:39:22It has also been informed that you were intoxicated.
00:39:24But Martin wasn't even there when the fight started.
00:39:26Man, he makes some nasty cracks about my profession.
00:39:28And I crack back at him.
00:39:30When the fight started, Johnny came in looking for me.
00:39:32When he saw the tough spot I was in,
00:39:34he came to my assistance.
00:39:36And that's all there was to it.
00:39:38Mr. Matthews, you are here as a private individual,
00:39:40not in any official capacity.
00:39:42And the issue before the board has nothing to do
00:39:44with your actions or opinions.
00:39:46Therefore, your attempt to take the blame
00:39:48for the prisoner is nothing but a useless
00:39:50and idle gesture.
00:39:52Unless you refrain from interrupting this hearing,
00:39:54I must insist that you leave.
00:39:56Mr. Chairman, I'd like to say a few words.
00:39:58Go ahead, Warden.
00:40:00Mr. Matthews came here today because he felt
00:40:02that an injustice had been done to Johnny Martin,
00:40:04and I quite agree with him.
00:40:06I recommended the parole for Martin
00:40:08because he's been a model prisoner in every respect.
00:40:10I ask you to honor my recommendation.
00:40:12Model prisoners do not frequent
00:40:14drinking places or engage in brawls, Warden.
00:40:18In rendering a judgment in this case,
00:40:20we have to take into consideration
00:40:22the effect of the release of the prisoner
00:40:24on the community, on the taxpayers, and on the...
00:40:26And on Manning's publisher.
00:40:28On the press of the entire state, I should say.
00:40:32I am aware of the influences having been
00:40:34brought to bear in this case.
00:40:36I'm also aware that Martin is being made
00:40:38the victim of a desire on the part of one man
00:40:40for petty personal revenge.
00:40:45But I'm not pleading for Martin now.
00:40:47I'm pleading for those 2,000 other convicts
00:40:49in my charge.
00:40:51I suppose you'd like to turn them loose, too,
00:40:53so they could go around
00:40:55assaulting decent citizens.
00:40:57These 2,000
00:40:59men may be prisoners,
00:41:01but they have a sense of justice
00:41:03and fair play.
00:41:05If you refuse a parole to Johnny Martin
00:41:07after the way he's worked so hard to get it,
00:41:09what will these men think?
00:41:11Mr. Henderson,
00:41:13you're the Warden of the state penitentiary, not I.
00:41:15This Board is not interested
00:41:17in what your convicts think.
00:41:19Personally, I shouldn't consider their opinion
00:41:21germane to the issue.
00:41:24Bring the prisoner in.
00:41:34Convict 7753,
00:41:36your petition for parole is denied.
00:41:44You'll apply again 6 months from now.
00:41:49This is what I've been working for, is it?
00:41:51For 3 years I've listened to a lot of guts
00:41:53and watched my step every minute
00:41:55because I want to get out of prison.
00:41:57And now you're giving me the business.
00:41:59And you want me to be a model prisoner
00:42:01for 6 more months and try again.
00:42:03No thanks, mister.
00:42:05I'm not simple enough to be a sucker twice.
00:42:07From now on you can take that model prisoner
00:42:09bunk and stuff in the Dismal Swan.
00:42:11I'll show you what a model prisoner is, you hypocrite.
00:42:13Sure, I'll serve my stretch every minute of it.
00:42:15But the day I get out,
00:42:17we've got a date, mister.
00:42:19I'm going to look you up and spit right in your eyes.
00:42:21Let me go! Let me tell that low-down son of a bitch
00:42:23what's on my mind!
00:42:25Come on, let's get out of here.
00:42:33You're entirely right, mister Manning,
00:42:35in opposing the parole of that man.
00:42:37He's a dangerous type.
00:42:39Needs discipline.
00:42:41You may quote me in your newspapers to that effect.
00:42:43Oh, don't worry, Rutledge.
00:42:45I'll give you a plug.
00:42:51I know it's rotten, Johnny, but don't give up.
00:42:53Six months will soon pass by
00:42:55and we can apply again.
00:42:57By that time it'll all be forgotten and...
00:42:59Don't kid me, Mr. Henderson.
00:43:01I saw the look on that guy Manning's face today.
00:43:03He'll keep books on my time and see that I serve it.
00:43:05So skip the talk.
00:43:07Oh, wait a minute, Johnny.
00:43:09Sure, I'll wait.
00:43:11All I've got to do now is wait.
00:43:13For two more years.
00:43:21I wouldn't do it
00:43:23if I were you, Johnny.
00:43:25It wouldn't help.
00:43:27I was thinking.
00:43:29I know.
00:43:33The light's green.
00:43:35It's a good sign.
00:43:37It's a good sign.
00:43:39It's a good sign.
00:43:41It's a good sign.
00:43:43It's a good sign.
00:43:45It's a good sign.
00:43:47It's a good sign.
00:43:49The light's green.
00:43:58You're all right, Johnny.
00:44:12Hello, Billy.
00:44:14Hey, you.
00:44:16I'm talking to you.
00:44:18I don't want to talk to you.
00:44:20You go away.
00:44:22I got some news for you.
00:44:24I don't want to hear nothing from you.
00:44:26You hit me yesterday you did in the yard
00:44:28with the blackjack.
00:44:30Sure, I hit you.
00:44:32And I'll hit you again, too, anytime you get out of line.
00:44:34Someday when you hit me
00:44:36I'll squeeze your neck till it pops.
00:44:38I'm Big Billy.
00:44:40I'm strong.
00:44:43Stronger than you are.
00:44:45Stronger than anybody is.
00:44:47That's why
00:44:49you're afraid to hit me without a blackjack.
00:44:51I'm smart, I know.
00:44:53Listen, you
00:44:55big lummox, come in and
00:44:57give me a lesson.
00:44:59You got the keys, but you won't come in.
00:45:01You're afraid to come in.
00:45:03Me and my pal Johnny, we know you're afraid.
00:45:07My pal Johnny's smart.
00:45:09He figured out a way how to get out of here.
00:45:11I'm smart, too.
00:45:13I'll figure out a way, too,
00:45:15just like Johnny did.
00:45:17You think Johnny figured a way
00:45:19to get out of here?
00:45:21You think Johnny's smart, do you?
00:45:23Well, that's where you're wrong.
00:45:25The parole board turned your pal
00:45:27down today and he's staying here.
00:45:29Is that the truth?
00:45:33The yard boss got word
00:45:35from the warden.
00:45:37No fooling.
00:45:39Did you hear that?
00:45:41The parole board turned down the fake.
00:45:43Who cares?
00:45:45Aw, you're giving me a pain with your reading.
00:45:47That, my friend, is because you can't read.
00:45:55I bet you're glad to hear
00:45:57your pal's gonna stay with you a couple of more years, ain't you?
00:45:59Johnny won't stay here.
00:46:01Johnny's smart.
00:46:03Johnny's smarter than I am, even.
00:46:05We'll figure out a way
00:46:07to get out together, Johnny and me.
00:46:09Go on. You couldn't figure out nothing.
00:46:11Yeah, you better always carry
00:46:13your blackjack.
00:46:15Someday you'll lose your blackjack
00:46:17and then I'll squeeze
00:46:19your neck till it pops!
00:46:21Don't worry, you big ape.
00:46:23I'll never lose it.
00:46:35Guy's scared of me.
00:46:37I'm Big Billy.
00:46:39I'm strong!
00:46:43Someday you'll squeeze his neck until it pops.
00:46:47That's what I'll do.
00:46:51Well, we'll be home in a few minutes.
00:46:54Yeah. Home.
00:46:56I'm glad you've decided to take things
00:46:58in the right way, Johnny.
00:47:00Why not?
00:47:02One more kick in the pants isn't gonna kill me.
00:47:04At least if I do my time,
00:47:06I won't have to be reporting to parole officers every time I turn around.
00:47:08That's the spirit.
00:47:10I'm gonna do everything I can to make up
00:47:12for the bad break you've got.
00:47:14You know, you've got a lot to look
00:47:16forward to when you do get out
00:47:18with Joan.
00:47:20Who told you about Joan and me?
00:47:24She didn't.
00:47:26No fool.
00:47:33I won't pay to see him when he comes back.
00:47:35He'll be bitter. He's bound to be.
00:47:37Oh, he's made so many plans
00:47:39for us.
00:47:41Then our job is to keep him from being bitter.
00:47:43But it's so unfair.
00:47:45Why should he be kept here simply because
00:47:47a single reporter decided to make news
00:47:49out of something that wasn't even Johnny's fault?
00:47:51Look, Joan.
00:47:53There's no doubt Johnny's been the victim
00:47:55of unfair tactics.
00:47:57But we must accept things as they are.
00:47:59If you love him,
00:48:01you will help him to forget.
00:48:03To look forward to what lies in the future
00:48:05for both of you.
00:48:07You'll do that, won't you?
00:48:09Yes, I will.
00:48:19And thanks for straightening me out.
00:48:21I might have messed things up terribly.
00:48:39Hey, watch it.
00:48:41It's all off, see?
00:48:43I mean about my taking things like a little man.
00:48:45Johnny, what are you talking about?
00:48:47I just decided I was a sucker to be back here.
00:48:49I had a chance to scram for Canada a little while ago
00:48:51and like a chump I listened to a lot of malarkey from you.
00:48:53But it's different from now on.
00:48:55Oh, skip it, skip it.
00:48:57I mean it, warden.
00:48:59You can keep your break, see?
00:49:01And you can get another boy to drive your buggy.
00:49:03Johnny Martin, I've treated you as fairly
00:49:05and squarely as any man could.
00:49:07You wouldn't repay kind...
00:49:09Oh, wouldn't I? Well, you just wait and see.
00:49:11I'm through being a patsy, get it?
00:49:13From now on I'm a con and you're just a head kick.
00:49:15You stay on your side and I'll stay on mine.
00:49:19All right, if that's the way you want it,
00:49:21report to Johnson the odd boss and tell him
00:49:23that all your privileges have been suspended.
00:49:25That suits me.
00:49:37I can't understand it.
00:49:39Driving up here, he was in a great frame of mind.
00:49:41Except for the situation
00:49:43as a bad break
00:49:46that he'd make the best of.
00:49:48Then when we drove up to the administration
00:49:50building, he changed suddenly.
00:49:52He became hard as nails.
00:49:54Well, perhaps
00:49:56it was the sight of the prison.
00:49:58The realization that he must remain here
00:50:00two more years.
00:50:02No, that wasn't it, Ira.
00:50:04It wasn't the sight of the prison.
00:50:06It was something else he saw.
00:50:08What do you mean, Ernie?
00:50:10Don't you know?
00:50:12What are you talking about?
00:50:14I saw Joan and Ira in Ira's office.
00:50:16Well, why would that affect him? Come to the point, Ernie.
00:50:18Well, the point is that Joan
00:50:20seemed to have her arms around Ira's neck.
00:50:22Probably all very innocently.
00:50:24Johnny didn't seem to think so.
00:50:26So that was it.
00:50:30Where is he?
00:50:32I sent him to Johnson.
00:50:34I want to talk to him. Please let me talk to him.
00:50:36Go back and straighten this whole thing up.
00:50:40I'm sending Joan Ryan over to your office
00:50:42right away, Johnson.
00:50:44Have her talk to Johnny Martin.
00:50:54Suppose you tell me
00:50:56what this is all about.
00:50:58Am I running a petter's paradise
00:51:00or a prison?
00:51:12Hello, Johnny.
00:51:14What do you want?
00:51:16I want to talk to you.
00:51:18What about? Being a good boy?
00:51:20Why don't you beat it?
00:51:22Oh, Johnny, you've got to listen to me.
00:51:24I love you and I don't want you to do anything foolish.
00:51:26The warden just told me...
00:51:28So you love me, huh? Don't make me laugh.
00:51:30I suppose the warden gave you the job of softening me up.
00:51:32Well, skip it.
00:51:34I'm wise to your act, talking to me in the hospital
00:51:36to pass the time while you're waiting for the chaplain.
00:51:38Okay, I've got your preacher.
00:51:40Now do me a favor and don't bother me.
00:51:42Johnny, look at me.
00:51:46Oh, can't you see it's you I love?
00:51:48I know you saw me with Ira.
00:51:50I went to him when I heard you'd been refused your parole.
00:51:52I was worried about you.
00:51:54I told him about you and me.
00:51:56And he told me to wait for you,
00:51:58not to lose faith in the future.
00:52:00Our future, Johnny.
00:52:02I kissed him, of course I did,
00:52:04because he was so kind.
00:52:06That's what you saw, Johnny.
00:52:08Give me that.
00:52:10Is this on the level?
00:52:12Of course it is, darling.
00:52:14Don't you see, Johnny, that's why you've got to fight.
00:52:16It's for us.
00:52:18We've got to fight this thing out together.
00:52:20I'll go wherever you go.
00:52:22Do anything you do, as soon as you're free.
00:52:24Please forgive me.
00:52:38Have a nice vacation, doctor?
00:52:44Things happened to you while I was away, didn't they?
00:52:48You mean about my being turned down for my parole?
00:52:52And about you and Joan.
00:52:54She wrote me.
00:52:56You're crazy about her, too, aren't you?
00:53:00I asked her to marry me.
00:53:02She said yes.
00:53:05You're crazy about her, too, aren't you?
00:53:07I asked her to marry me.
00:53:11Sort me, doc.
00:53:13No, not a bit.
00:53:15You're a very lucky fellow, Johnny.
00:53:17I'll be pulling for you when you get out.
00:53:19Pulling for both of you.
00:53:23Thanks, doctor.
00:53:35Oh, by the way,
00:53:37I haven't forgotten that talk
00:53:39I had to have with Big Billy.
00:53:41I'm glad of that.
00:53:43He's been getting worse lately.
00:53:49Hello, Mike.
00:53:51One's going in and one's going out.
00:53:53The doc wants to see Big Billy.
00:53:55I'll be right back with him.
00:54:01Hello, Johnny.
00:54:03Hello, Johnny.
00:54:05Hi, Billy.
00:54:07How do you think? Welcome home.
00:54:09Hello, poor time loser.
00:54:11How come you're not working today?
00:54:13Been acting tough again?
00:54:15Shut up.
00:54:17Come on.
00:54:19I'm glad to see you.
00:54:21Come on, you're going to the hospital.
00:54:25Not me.
00:54:27I'm Big Billy.
00:54:29I'm strong.
00:54:31I know you're not sick, pal.
00:54:33It's just that the doctor wants to talk to you, see?
00:54:35He's a swell guy.
00:54:37You keep out of this.
00:54:39Come on, Billy.
00:54:41Come on.
00:54:55Hey, cut it out, you fool!
00:54:57Cut it out, will you?
00:54:59He's always been with Blackjack.
00:55:01I'm going to squeeze your ankle and pop!
00:55:03Cut it out, will you?
00:55:05I'm going to pop his neck!
00:55:11You killed him!
00:55:15I'm going to kill them all!
00:55:17Let me get out of here!
00:55:19I'm smart. I figured out a way!
00:55:21Don't hurt Mike. Mike's a good guy.
00:55:23He never slugged you. I'm going to kill them all!
00:55:29I figured out a way!
00:55:51Billy, come back!
00:55:53They'll kill you! You haven't got a chance!
00:56:15Billy, wait!
00:56:39Billy, I told you!
00:56:41At the door!
00:56:51Oh, honey.
00:56:53Well, here I am,
00:56:56back again.
00:56:58Couldn't stay away from you.
00:57:00Quiet, darling. You have to rest.
00:57:06Where's Billy?
00:57:12Oh, Johnny, why did you do it?
00:57:16Do what?
00:57:38Come, Joan.
00:57:46Oh, I don't know what to do with my life.
00:57:48I don't know, my dear.
00:57:50A guard was killed.
00:57:52And evidently Johnny was trying to escape.
00:58:04Ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
00:58:06Much has been said during this trial
00:58:08about the excellent
00:58:10record of the defendant.
00:58:14Let's look at that record.
00:58:16Only a few weeks ago
00:58:18the defendant,
00:58:20as a trustee,
00:58:22betrayed the confidence placed in him by the warden of our state prison
00:58:24and engaged in a barroom brawl
00:58:26attacking without provocation
00:58:28certain citizens
00:58:30including a respected
00:58:32member of the metropolitan press.
00:58:38As a result of that brawl
00:58:40the state board of parole
00:58:42refused his application for parole.
00:58:44The chairman of the board, Mr. Rutledge,
00:58:46testified that the defendant
00:58:48flew into a rage
00:58:50when his application was denied
00:58:52and shouted threats.
00:58:56To quote from Mr. Rutledge's testimony
00:58:58the defendant, a convict
00:59:00threatened to call
00:59:02on him and
00:59:04spit in his eye
00:59:08the day that he got out of prison.
00:59:10I submit, ladies and gentlemen
00:59:12that this testimony proves
00:59:14beyond the shadow of a doubt
00:59:16that the defendant was savagely
00:59:18bitter at the refusal of the board
00:59:20to release him.
00:59:22The witness, Barth, testified
00:59:24that the defendant, Johnny Martin
00:59:26with his cellmate
00:59:28a convict known as
00:59:30Big Billy
00:59:32engaged in a fight with Jobs
00:59:34the murdered guard.
00:59:36A second guard, Mike Gurney
00:59:38was injured when he went to the aid of Jobs.
00:59:40Then the defendant
00:59:42together with his cellmate
00:59:44attempted a mad dash for freedom.
00:59:46And that
00:59:48ladies and gentlemen
00:59:50is part of the excellent
00:59:52record of Johnny Martin.
00:59:58Ladies and gentlemen
01:00:00of the jury
01:00:02you're intelligent people
01:00:04when you retire to the jury room
01:00:06I ask you to weigh
01:00:08carefully the testimony
01:00:10presented by the state in this case.
01:00:12Again today I bring you grim news
01:00:15Promptly at 8 o'clock tonight
01:00:17convict John Martin who killed a guard
01:00:19while making a break for freedom
01:00:21will pay his debt to society in the electric
01:00:23chair of the state penitentiary.
01:00:25I can't stand it!
01:00:29What's holding up my call to the governor?
01:00:31Yes, I'll hold on.
01:00:33Hurry it up.
01:00:35Yes, I'm calling
01:00:37the governor.
01:00:39Hello, Henry. This is Jim Henderson.
01:00:41Look, Henry
01:00:43We've been friends for years
01:00:45and I'm asking you in the name of that friendship
01:00:47to commute Johnny Martin's
01:00:49sentence to life.
01:00:51I'm sure the boy's innocent
01:00:53and I know that you don't want to see
01:00:55an innocent man go to the chair.
01:01:03That's the end.
01:01:07Where are you going?
01:01:09I'm going to my room and sit in the dark
01:01:11so I won't see the lights go dim.
01:01:21Give me one.
01:01:27guess I'll run over to the hospital and pick up my things.
01:01:31It's about that time.
01:01:33Yeah, about time.
01:01:41What's the matter
01:01:43with you?
01:01:45Since when did you get running off
01:01:47of the feet?
01:01:49Why don't you sit down?
01:01:51Can I walk if I want to?
01:01:55Go ahead and walk.
01:01:57Well, who are you staring at?
01:01:59Why don't you read your book?
01:02:01Because it fascinates
01:02:03me to watch a man try to walk off
01:02:05his troubles.
01:02:07You said I got any troubles.
01:02:09Why try to kid me?
01:02:11Something's got you all
01:02:13tied up in knots.
01:02:15It couldn't be because
01:02:17it's Johnny Martin's knife,
01:02:19could it? Me worried because
01:02:21that thing's getting what's coming to him?
01:02:23I should say not.
01:02:27My mistake.
01:02:29I just thought maybe
01:02:31I might be worried about sending him to
01:02:35What do you mean I'm sending him?
01:02:37Well, after all
01:02:39you were the only witness.
01:02:41If you hadn't told the truth about Johnny
01:02:43he wouldn't be dying tonight.
01:02:46What's the truth about it?
01:02:48Do you think it wasn't?
01:02:52I wouldn't care if it wasn't.
01:02:56You and Johnny hated each
01:02:58other's insides.
01:03:00I wouldn't blame
01:03:02you if you skipped telling a few things in court.
01:03:05No fooling kid.
01:03:07Is that the way you feel about it?
01:03:11A guy goes
01:03:13through life loving his enemies
01:03:15he's a cinch to end up on a slab
01:03:17full of lead in her later.
01:03:19That's the way I figure.
01:03:21You always give me the needle.
01:03:23Now we're square
01:03:25for good. That's the way I figure.
01:03:27You're right.
01:03:29What do you care if he laps up a little
01:03:31safe voltage?
01:03:33Electricity is cheap.
01:03:43I'm going to complain
01:03:45to the warden about that execution
01:03:47and testing his dynamo
01:03:49interferes with my reading.
01:03:57About ten minutes Johnny will be kicking off.
01:04:01wishing he could have just five minutes
01:04:03alone with you before
01:04:05he crosses over.
01:04:07Well he won't get them.
01:04:09He won't get five minutes of my time.
01:04:11He's through.
01:04:15Maybe not.
01:04:17What do you mean?
01:04:21he may claim five minutes of your
01:04:23time on the other side.
01:04:25There is another
01:04:47We did everything we could
01:04:49Johnny. I want you
01:04:51to know that. Sure you did Mr. Haynes.
01:04:53I don't blame you or
01:04:55anybody. It's just not a bad break.
01:04:57This will be the last one.
01:05:01I wonder what Joan's doing right now.
01:05:03She's sitting in her
01:05:05room. Oh I get it.
01:05:07In the dark.
01:05:09She doesn't want the lights to tell her when I go.
01:05:11That's it isn't it?
01:05:13That's it Johnny.
01:05:17Leaving her is the only thing that bothers me.
01:05:19We were going to do so many things together when I got out.
01:05:22I wonder if I'll ever see her again Mr. Haynes.
01:05:26I mean
01:05:28over there.
01:05:30I'm sure you will
01:05:40Do you believe that bunk
01:05:42about there being another life
01:05:44after your kick off here?
01:05:46I'd feel cheated if I didn't.
01:05:48I'm 26 years old
01:05:50and I've spent 10 years
01:05:52in the country's best reformatories
01:05:54and jails.
01:05:56Add that to the fact that I'm in here
01:05:58from now on
01:06:00you'll understand my point of view.
01:06:04I wonder what Johnny had
01:06:06for his last meal.
01:06:08It's funny
01:06:10isn't it?
01:06:12He let a guy order anything he wants
01:06:14for his last meal
01:06:16and they warm it all over
01:06:18again inside him.
01:06:20Can that stuff will you?
01:06:22What's the matter boss you getting soft?
01:06:24You can still call the guard
01:06:26and save Johnny if you want to.
01:06:28Just about now the chaplain
01:06:30is praying with him.
01:06:32In a couple of minutes the guards will come for him
01:06:34and you'll start working for them.
01:06:36Give me the creeps.
01:06:38Not half so bad
01:06:40as you'll have them from now on.
01:06:42At night after they turn the lights out
01:06:44you'll be down there in your cot
01:06:46and cursed because you can't sleep.
01:06:48Maybe you'll even see Johnny
01:06:50there in the dark.
01:06:52Maybe he'll point a finger at you
01:06:54and say
01:06:56what are you waiting for boss?
01:06:58Why don't you come on over here
01:07:00where we can settle things.
01:07:04Maybe you yellow cur
01:07:06you wouldn't kill anybody.
01:07:08Call the guard and ease your mind.
01:07:10Go on, call him.
01:07:12He's going to take it.
01:07:14Alright you.
01:07:16You're coming with us.
01:07:20Where are you taking me?
01:07:22You'll see.
01:07:42All we need is some peanuts and popcorn
01:07:44to make this a good show.
01:07:48Cut it out Lenny.
01:08:12Hey what is this?
01:08:34What are you taking me here for?
01:08:36Your pal's about ready to go.
01:08:38He thought maybe you'd like to say goodbye.
01:08:40Let me say goodbye to that drink. I got some pride.
01:09:10All right, Wyatt. Guys, you can take these back now.
01:09:25And this your reserved seat for the show? Why, Mr. Barth, you wouldn't think of such
01:09:30a thing.
01:09:31And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
01:09:37You've got a visitor, Mr. Matthews. He wants to see everything.
01:09:56Oh, certainly, certainly. Step right up to the window there, Barth. You won't miss a
01:10:03Sure, it suits me.
01:10:08I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside still
01:10:15waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth...
01:10:28Never seen this kind of a killing before, have you, Barth? How does it feel to send
01:10:34a man to his death?
01:10:36Hey, miss, it's yours, doesn't it?
01:11:06Okay, I thought... I didn't miss a thing, just like you wanted me to. I feel swell.
01:11:17Come on.
01:11:20Wait a minute. I wonder how the warden's gonna feel when he finds out he's killed an
01:11:25innocent guy. And you, too. That makes you all murderers, doesn't it? Sure, it does.
01:11:32Makes you more killers than all those guys on death row.
01:11:36That kid was innocent.
01:11:37Say it again, Barth. Say it again. Let's all hear you say it.
01:11:46Sure, I will. Sure, I'll say it again. Johnny was trying to help those guards when Big
01:11:51Billy made his break. And you killed him, didn't you, Warden? You killed an innocent
01:11:56guy. That makes you all murderers.
01:11:59That's where you're a little bit wrong, Barth. We knew you were lying at Johnny's trial.
01:12:03Oh, you hated Johnny. But you wouldn't tell the truth even though you knew he'd die if
01:12:07it didn't.
01:12:10Bring him in.
01:12:20Oh, it was an act. You framed me.
01:12:30Well, this is what you've been waiting for, Johnny.
01:12:33My parole?
01:12:34No. A non-conditional pardon.
01:12:38A pardon?
01:12:43Just think, honey. After I came so close to going.
01:12:48You didn't come so terribly close, Johnny.
01:12:51What do you mean?
01:12:53I had this on the control room desk, all ready to hand to the Warden if Barth hadn't
01:12:57spilled. I wasn't taking any chances.
01:13:02What's this?
01:13:03It's my resignation. You would have had quite a time finding anybody to throw that
01:13:08switch in less than 24 hours. And anything can happen in 24 hours.
01:13:14Oh, really? That's swell of you.
01:13:15Think nothing of it. I figured I owed you something after getting you into a jam in
01:13:20the first place, Johnny. By the way, Warden, that resignation's official. I quit.
01:13:27Yeah. I bought myself a little farm up in Connecticut. Gonna raise chickens. But not
01:13:33for the market. Just for the eggs. You know, I never quit killing chickens.