Uncharted 4 Part 2 Sam Died!

  • 6 years ago
After the cutscene ends, Nate finds himself in a fistfight with another prisoner. Use Square to attack and Triangle to counter / reposte, and once you’ve dealt enough damage the guards will break up the fight and another cutscene will begin.There are two Treasures, but no Journal Entries, Notes or Optional Conversations in this chapter.After the cutscene, follow Vargas (or, more accurately, get shoved in various directions by him) until he leads you through a large wooden door. At the bottom of the steps on the other side of said door, take a left and follow the hall to the T junction at the end. Head out the door to your right to trigger another cutscene.After the cutscene with Vargas ends, jump down from the broken staircase ahead of you and slide down the shale hill, then jump to grab the ledge in front of you and clambor up onto solid ground. Climb the wall to the left up into the small courtyard area, then head over to the workbench on the far side of the yard to collect your rope and grapple.Once you’ve recovered your rope, take the large crate on wheels (get used to seeing a lot of these around) and push it against the rock wall to the right of the workbench.Climb up onto the outcropping and use your rope to swing across the gap and reach the base of the prison tower. On the other side, use the other grapple point ahead of you to swing to the climbable wall jutting out from the corner of the ruins.Vault over the top of the ledge, then shimmy to your right and climb up the cracked wall. Use the ledge that goes around the corner to continue your ascent, then slide down the shale hill and leap to safety using your rope. Swing to wall on the other side and grab the bricks to continue onward.Climb up the ruined tower and onto its roof, then walk to the edge of the beam facing the prison and jump onto the tower’s exterior.Once on the tower wall, use the ledges either to your left or right (and around the corner) to reach one of the two windows beneath the parapets.nside the tower, stay on the upper floor and use your rope to pull down the boards covering the window at the far end of the room. Jump to the window and climb back outside, then use the ledges to your right to round the tower’s corner and climb upwards towards Burns’s cell.Inside the cell, you’ll find a bunch of symbols and roman numerals carved into the walls - you may also have noticed similar symbols on the letter Vargas gave you earlier. In order to force Nate to make this connection, examine the Sun/Moon symbols in the corner of the cell next to the door, then pull out the letter and flip it over.Once you’ve got the two symbols, locate them on the wall - they’re the roman numerals X and II. Locate the brick with the number XII on it, then interact with it to solve the puzzle and trigger a cutscene.After collecting the cross, interact with the door of the cell to force it open, then drop down to the floor below. Use the anchor point to attach your rope and rappel down, then swing
