• 7 years ago
Published on Youtube on July 19, 2011, by 911InvestigationVids
(text from same source)

This shot was only aired with a sepia filter color alteration, but a few other clips of the same hgelicopter circle around shot were show in color. Flight 93 did not crash on the moon but NBC makes it look like it. Why only show small edited clips late at night, some even altered for effect like a Hollywood movie? Sept 11th - Witnesses at the Shanksville (Flight 93) crash scene report very little plane debris. Homer Barron - "Barron and Phillips drove to the crash scene and found a smoky hole in the ground. A few firefighters had already begun pouring water onto the debris. "It didn't look like a plane crash because there was nothing that looked like a plane," Barron said. "I never seen anything like it," Barron said. "Just like a big pile of charcoal." - post-gazette.com (09/12/01) FOX News reporter: It looks like there's nothing there, except for a hole in the ground. Photographer Chris Konicki: Ah, basically that's right. The only thing you can see from where we where, ah, was a big gouge in the earth and some broken trees. We could see some people working, walking around in the area, but from where we could see it, there wasn't much left. Reporter: Any large pieces of debris at all? Konicki: Na, there was nothing, nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there. Reporter: Smoke? Fire? Konicki: Nothing. It was absolutely quite. It was, uh, actually very quiet. Um, nothing going on down there. No smoke. No fire. Just a couple of people walking around. They looked like part of the NTSB crew walking around, looking at the pieces..." - FOX (09/11/01) Nina Lensbouer, former volunteer firefighter - "My instinct was to run toward it, to try to help" said Nina Lensbouer, Tim's Lensbouer's wife and a former volunteer firefighter. "But I got there and there was nothing, nothing there but charcoal. Instantly, it was charcoal." - post-gazette.com (09/12/01) Capt. Frank Monaco, state police - "If you would go down there, it would look like a trash heap," said state police Capt. Frank Monaco. "There's nothing but tiny pieces of debris. It's just littered with small pieces." - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (09/12/01) Mark Stahl - "There's a crater gouged in the earth, the plane is pretty much disintegrated. There's nothing left but scorched trees," said Mark Stahl, of Somerset, who went to the scene." - CNN (09/11/01) Ernie Stull, mayor of the nearby village of Shanksville recalls [question] They had been sent here because of a crash but there was no plane? Ernie Stull: No. Nothing . Only this hole. [question] I thought it was a crash site... Ernie Stull: And it is. But there was nothing there to see. The plane had completely disintegrated.

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